Chapter 7

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You leaned against the wooden railings, the fur heavy on your shoulders. You were completely in awe at the way people didn't seem affected by the cold in this place, because you were absolutely sure that you were going to fall sick from the cold, it was any day now. You always had a problem with cold, and one day when you were five years old, you'd almost died due to falling sick because of cold.

You wondered if anyone remembered it before they arranged this marriage.

Surely, your brother had to.

You were beginning to wonder whether Vikings had the ability to feel the cold, because you were willing to bet that you were going to be the only person who froze to death in this place.

"Oh this is too much fun!" Bree mused as she walked around the room, which was a mess right now. Everywhere there were either fabrics, or dresses, or crowns, or jewelry and while it looked like something that most of your ladies in waiting could only dream of –judging by their enthusiasm and giggling- you were only perched on your seat, staring into nothingness.

"You must have the biggest dowry the court has ever seen, Your Grace!" One of your ladies in waiting said and Bree smiled as she looked between you.

"You must take a lot of furs with you, they say it's a cold place."

"I'm not taking any furs," You croaked out, "Maybe I will get lucky and freeze to death the moment I step on their land."

Bree's smile faded and she heaved a deep sigh before turning to your ladies in waiting,

"Leave us." She said, and even if two of them looked like they would refuse, they knew they couldn't. Bree was the King's official mistress, and arguably had even more power than the Queen, your sister-in-law.

Sometimes, you wished she was your sister-in-law.

"Y/N..." Bree said as the door closed, "My love, you need to pull yourself together."

You pinched your lips, looking out of the window, "I'm trying," you mumbled, "I cannot."

"My love-"

"They say he's unable to bleed."


"Because his blood is frozen. They say God keeps him alive only to-"

"Y/N, stop." Bree insisted, "You have to stop listening to people."

You turned to look at her, "Have you seen him then?"

"I've seen his brothers," Bree paused, "They're really tall, did you know that?"

"His brothers?"

"His brothers and his warriors, and everyone from that place." She stole a look at you, "And they're quite good looking."

"You haven't seen him."

"I've seen his brothers," Bree repeated with a small smile on her face, "What are the chances that both his brothers are handsome and he is not? Besides, I talked to the Lady Lester, she was...very friendly with his brother, Hvi- H something, I'm not familiar with the name."

"She was flirting with a heathen?" You pressed your lips together to stop yourself from smile, despite everything, "Scandal."

"Is it not?" Bree winked at you, "Apparently, while they were being friendly, Ivar came to talk to his brother, so she saw him."

Your head shot up, "What? What does she say about him?"

"Oh now I've got your attention?"

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