Chapter 10

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Much to your surprise, you were actually starting to like Kattegat. It was always cold, you didn't understand the half of the things people talked about, and you still had many questions about their culture but...

The place itself was growing on you.

You hugged the fur tighter around you –you still had a feeling that you couldn't shake the sickness and the last thing you wanted was to catch cold again- as people got out of the way, some of them bowing their heads but before you could even turn a corner, you heard your name being called out.


You stopped and looked over your shoulder to see Hvitserk running to you.

"Hi, I didn't see you today."

"I was...busy." He waved a hand in the air and you arched a brow.

"With your beautiful lover?" You smiled slightly and he shot you a look.

"You're the one to talk, after what happened last night in the hall," he stated, "You and my brother surely look like you made peace."

You tried not to avert your eyes, "We...have some common grounds that we agree on."

"That I could tell,"


"Where's Gala?"

"I gave her the day off, she looked a bit tired. So were you with your lover then?"

"I was actually with Ivar, he's... enraged. I'm pretty sure somebody is going to die back there," he pointed back and you turned your head to look at the huge building. "Where are you going?"

"To Torvi. She said-"

"Yeah I'd stay away from Torvi today if I were you,"


"Bjorn is here."


"She and Bjorn used to be married."

Your eyes widened "What?!"

"Yes, before Ubbe and her." Hvitserk held your arm gently to steer you back to the hall, "Ubbe is with her, I'd reckon both of them are very tense right now."

"Can I help?"

"Not really."

You frowned slightly and stopped Hvitserk "Wait, hold on." You said, "Ivar is enraged?"

"Very. So I'd stay away from him as well, if I were-"

"Where's he?"

Hvitserk shot you a glare "Don't even think about it."


"The last time he was this angry-" he stopped himself, "You don't want to know what happened. So stay away- Y/N!" he called out your name as you walked away from him very fast to approach the door of Ivar's bedchamber, but Hvitserk rushed to stand between you and the door.

"Contrary to what you may believe, I spent my life around angry men who were given too much power." You stated "I'll be fine."

"You don't know Ivar's anger."

"My brother once threatened to have somebody killed because they made a joke," You said, "Kings are rarely reasonable creatures, in any nation."

"Y/N-" he started but you went around him, then knocked on the door and opened it. Hvitserk gritted his teeth and leaned to the doorframe as you walked inside.

Faint Of Heart [Ivar x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now