Chapter 3

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You woke up before Ivar by some miracle in one of the mornings of the following week. It almost never happened and you were absolutely positive that there would only be awkward silence so you kept your eyes tightly shut as the bed shifted after he left it, and you turned on your stomach, spreading like a big starfish, enjoying the huge bed. You heard Ivar's silent chuckle, but managed not to open your eyes as he moved around in the room.

You heard him coming closer and there was a slight pressure on your pillow beside your head, as if he wanted to feel your hair but-

He was checking whether your pillow was damp. From your tears.

It lasted only a second and then the pressure was gone. You heard him leaving the room and as soon as you heard the door close, you opened your eyes and touched the side of your pillow.

Avoiding Ivar had been way too easy, especially when he seemed to want to avoid you as well. You were beginning to suspect that unlike what your brother had said; he did not find you beautiful at all, judging by the way he made sure to see you as little as possible, as if you were plagued. With him out of the picture, the only people you could talk to were his brothers and some of the servant girls. The whitish blonde haired girl named Gala especially seemed friendly and you were more than happy to have found a friend.

Well, as happy as you could be in Kattegat, you assumed.

Even if you also wanted to spend time with some of the shieldmaidens as well, you were not exactly sure that they liked you.

Which you thought made some sense. You had nothing in common.

You did wish to learn how to fight though.

"Perhaps Torvi can help you when she gets here." Ubbe suggested when you put your thought into words later on that day and you frowned slightly,


"My wife."

You felt your jaw drop, "I didn't know you had a wife!"

"She's leading one of the raids right now, but I do believe she will be back in a month or so."

"She's a shieldmaiden?"

Ubbe nodded, a small smile pulling at his lips, "She's really good at that."

"And do you love her very much?"

"I do," Ubbe said, "You- you really need to meet her, Y/N."

Right. You almost forgot that other people had the option of marrying for love.

"Well you're very blessed," You said, your smile not faltering, "She must be very precious."

"She is," Ubbe said, "But we could help you, meanwhile. You would have to learn how to actually lift a sword first though."


"That is one of the requirements in a fight."

You bit on your lip, still smiling, "Noted."

"Also, Ivar can help you. Maybe it'd be better for you to start with an axe, and he-" A shadow crossed Ubbe's face, "He can use that well too."

"Oh, I-" You paused, "I don't think Ivar- um- I wouldn't ask him that."

"Why not?"

"He doesn't seem to-" you gulped, "Enjoy my company very much. I would not force him so."

That made Ubbe raise his brows and a momentary silence fell upon you.

"Y/N, has Ivar been... neglecting his duties?"

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