7. Angela

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Taehyung woke up early in the morning to finish the left over job. He was now cleaning a white female horse, she was magnificent.

"Hey..beauty..." Taehyung said, gently stroking his forehead.

" You're so beautiful..." The horse also knelt down to his touch.

"She likes you" A deep voice suddenly spoke, making both Tae and the horse startled.

Indeed it was the King, just by hearing his voice he was sure of it.

He looked handsome. Tae wouldn't lie. He wore a simple white shirt, tucked between his pants. Upper buttons undone showing his broad chest .... hair messy, covered up his forehead and half of his eyes. Hands on his pockets, leaning against the door... staring at him.

Jk brings forward his steps...hands still on his pockets as he stopped only centimetres away from Taehyung. He was so close that Tae could barely breath.

Suddenly Jk's fingers went up to Tae's "V neck" and then between his chest, moving the finger lower and lower......Tae was utterly confused what was happening. Then he realised what state he was in....

He folded up his shirt like a blouse, revealing his navel and stomach.. his pants were folded up to shorts revealing his thighs and worst of them all he was completely soaked up by water making the white shirt he wore... see through.

Taehyung didn't know what to do in this situation. He was clueless. If he continues to let this happen he might get harass and if he tries to protest... the King might punish him.

" Your eyes, your face oddly matches with someone...."

'Who are you...' Jk asked in his thoughts.

"Where are your parents?"

"They died in the second war, 6 years ago..."

Jk's strong gaze didn't leave Tae's body.

" You are quite small and fragile..." he spoke out of nowhere, hands moving down to Tae's waist grabbing it harshly.

" S-sire!" Tae panicked but Jk didn't alter.

"Slum boy indeed... didn't get proper foods to eat. How did you manage food anyway?"

Jk came dangerously close to his face looking, dead in his eyes....

"By showing off your body? Seducing them?" He said mockingly.

"N-No! Stop!"

Tae shouted and tried to move back but in a swift movement JK grabbed his waist and brought him close to his body.

"No what?" he chuckled

Jungkook whispered in Tae's ear,

"That boy Park.... is he your lover?"

He randomly asked out of nowhere.

"J-Jimin..? N-No you are mistaken-" Tae was confused. why would he make assumptions like this..

Jungkook paid no attention. Instead he tried to reach closer to Tae's exposed neck. He himself couldn't control his own movement....it was like his body was moving on it's own.

"Your Majesty" Suddenly a worker came, interfering their moment.

Jk let go Tae's hand annoyedly and glared at the speaker.


"Kim Seokjin came. He wants to talk to you."

"Pfft....ok coming. You can go now." The worker went off.

'What a timing...' Jk said to himself.

Before leaving, Jk stopped and looked behind Tae...and 'smiled'.

"Angela...her name is Angela.." Referring the horse.


Tae repeated the name and started consuming everything just happened......


Things got a lil steamy over there ehh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Anyway my dear readers! Put your seat belt on cause from now on shits gonna happen in every chapter! So Don't Miss The Tea!☕︎ The ride's gonna be epic! ;"")

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