24. Story of The Weak One

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"Am I going to die mother?"

Seven year old Jungkook asked with a quite and weak voice that one could mistake it as a whisper. His mother froze hearing it, her eyes big and round like a night owl, lips trembled hearing the grief question.

"Fear not my child. You will live.
You will be the strongest! Most powerful man the North have ever seen!"
Jungkook looked down through his closed glass window and kept glancing at his younger cousins running and playing, something he wasn't fortunate enough to experience himself. They were from other district of North but was staying here until the war ends.

He decided to go down and join them. He walked through the hall and climbed down the stairs, holding on to his wooden stick to greet them.

"My Prince! let me assist-"

"No. I am fine."

Jungkook didn't like how his caretaker and the other servants in the house take him as a dying person, needing assistant at everything.

He might be weaker than the most but he proved all the physicians wrong by living twice the year they assumed.

And he was going to keep living.

The fourteen year old prince finally reached the garden.
When the twins saw him they stopped playing.

"Oh no! why did you stop?"


"Can I join you?"

They looked at each other silently communicating with their eyes.

"We heard you are sick. How would you play?"

"Who told you I'm sick? Let me surprise you!"

Jungkook shocked them all with his excitement and energy. All of them were happy playing hide and seak, sword fight. They never thought the weak little boy would be this lively.

"Haha! I won't lose to you-"

Jungkook almost lost his balance but someone grabbed him from behind.

"Be careful young Prince...."

Jungkook felt his hand circling around his waist. Almost reaching under his garments.

"I-ahm..you can let me go Yohan hyung..."

"I can... but I am afraid something will happen to your fragile body... you are too delicate to play these rough games."

Jungkook always felt uneasy around his older cousin. He talked in a dirty tone, like people would do to flirt with a brothel lady. His touch would burn his skin, make him feel suffocate and wash himself until his skin shreds off.

"I-I can handle myself..."

Suddenly a cheerful voice of a woman interfered them.

"How wonderful! Everyone bonding so well! A heart warming scene, isn't it my King~?"

All looked towards the sound of the voice and saw a lady. Beside her was the King. As soon as Jungkook noticed his father he shrunked in size and looked so small and vulnerable in Jeon Yohan's arms.

"You should be resting boy."

"I am sorry fa- your grace! I-I'll take my leave...."

Before leaving Jungkook politely bowed his head and greeted the beautiful lady standing too close to the King.

"My lady."

It didn't take Jungkook long enough to know who that woman was and so he started to fear.
As the days went by the Jungkook's mother became quieter. Her violent self caused by the slave woman the King brought was replaced by a lifeless self. She slowly shut herself in a separate room which she used after the 'shame' the King brought and rarely showed her face.

The King sometimes stood near the door but never opened it. He just stared with a gloom face then make his way. Soon news spread that the Queen's health was worsening, at that time the King was away from the palace to the battle area.

Jungkook felt like he was failing both of his parents, unable to provide any aid. That's how one day in search for 'hope' and 'power' he came to one person. Min Yoongi.

With his father giving the duty to protect the Kingdom to his older cousin, Jungkook used the freedom and took the opportunity to train with Yoongi hyung at their secret hide out.

It was Jungkook's 16th birthday.
When he was younger his mother would cook all his favourite dishes with her own hand and read him new stories to bed. But time changes....

Before going to bed Jungkook went to the Queen's room who sat on her bed emotionless. The physician told her mind was not in the right state. And Jungkook saw the signs too more than once but,

A mother is a mother.

"Hello, mother....Do you recognise me? I'm Jungkook. Look how big I have become...."

Jungkook felt his eyes watering at his own words. But his mother still unmoved.

"I promise you....I'll become the strongest you wished for, this is my words to you. I love you."

He couldn't stay any longer, he kissed her forehead and left the room.

Later at midnight someone entered his room. Jungkook was a light sleeper so he knew but didn't open his eyes purposely.

When the person came close to his bed Jungkook grabbed the knife tightly under his cover but then his nose hit a smell.

His mother's smell. Jungkook froze. She just stood there for minutes. He was getting scared by her silent demeanour and almost turned around to look at her but decided not.

After a while, she leaned down and kissed his cheeks. Jungkook heard her saying,

"Happy Birthday my strong boy....
mama loves you..."

That was her last words before her dead body was found in her room the next morning.


[To make something clear, the 'lady' mentioned here is not Taehyung's mother. Both are different.]

Fun fact, this was not the chapter I was gonna publish but the next one after it. But while writing I thought to put some of Jk's past life to give you some insight. In later chaps, you'll find more.......

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