19. What Am I To You?

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Taehyung was lying on bed, staring into nothingness. This room feels big when the King isn't here. The unnecessarily big bed, bouncy mattresses, wool made covers with golden designs seems to swallow Taehyung's little body up.
He shouldn't get use to it.

Suddenly the Buttler entered the room startling him.

"Sir, I'm sorry but you have to leave this room"


"Yes sir. You have been appointed to a different room. Your belongings will be taken there by the servants. If you would follow me..."

Taehyung didn't say anything despite his mind swarming with multiple question marks. He followed the buttler to his new room. It was one of the guest room.

The room wasn't ugly nor it was small. Infact, it was one hell of a guest room for a mere servant like him. Only the lacking was it didn't have the same warmth and familiarity like the King's room.

Tae wanted to ask him why he had to change his room but thought to stay in his 'place'. He is already disliked by most of the workers because of his 'undeserving privileges'.

Jungkook also didn't visit him for a while. He wonders if he was okay.

The palace was getting renewed. Wall has been repainted, the red curtains and carpets changed to royal blue. There are also some new editions to the furnitures.

Taehyung looked around in awe. He decided to ask a maid what was the occasion.

"Is there going to be a party?"

"You haven't heard?"

Taehyung just looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"Well, how would you anyways? You just sleep around the whole day in your big room without any care in the world."

The woman just stomped away without answering his questions.

Taehyung was used to it. He didn't pay much mind to her words and headed towards the kitchen where he can find some anweres without getting any insults and hatered.



Linda was a cook here. She was also Hoseok's lover. She was a lovely lady with a beautiful face and kind soul. They were a perfect match which often made Taehyung envy. He wished he could have a normal relationship like them.

"What are you making today?"

"I'm trying western dishes today. We have a big day coming after all!"

"That's what i wanted to ask you. No is bothering to inform me anything."

"What!? You don't know!?"

"Know what!?"

"The King-....wait I dont think you'll like it..."

Linda paused in the middle and gave him an apologetic look.

"Is someone important coming here?"

"The King is getting married Taehyung!"

Linda suddenly burst out making Tae flinch. She didn't want to say it but Tae would find out sooner or later anyway.

As if the floor moved under his feets. He backed of a little, turning away to process the words he just heard. Linda knew why Taehyung reacted this way. She tried to reach him but he took two steps back.

"No-no...he...who? Who is he m-marrying?"

His lips trembled, his voice broke when he spoke.

"Lady Fiona Wishoki of the West."

At this he just let his tears fall, his knees buckled before he fell down beside the kitchen counter. Linda ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"Shh...it's okay...first love always hurts the most."

It was past evening. Taehyung lied under the covers after returning from the kitchen. He was a fool thinking he was special and there will be no other. In the end he was just another whore.

"Don't I deserve to be loved, Nana?"

There was a knock on the door startling Taehyung.

'Who is it?
Is it Jungkook?
Did he came for me?'

"c-come in.."

He quickly wiped his tears to look at the person. It was very unexpected to see Kim Seokjin at the doorstep.

"You look......concerning."


"I see you didn't touch your lunch too."

Taehyung kept looking away, fidgeting with his fingers.

"Let me guess, trouble in paradise...?"

"Why are you here Sir?"

"Please call me hyung. After all you are a fellow Southern."

Seokjin slowly took his steps towards Taehyung.

"I wish I could make a long chat with you but alas I don't have much time in my hand. Don't want anyone getting suspicious...."

He looked very serious which kind of freaked Taehyung out. He was from South after all, his homeland. Did he came to help him escape?

"It's about your mother Taehyung, do you remember her?"

"Why? What about her..why are you asking me this?"

"The war that happened six years ago-"

Seokjin almost got caught when Yoongi abruptly entered the room. He stopped mid sentence right then and there.

"Boy...-Kim Seokjin what brings you here?"

Yoongi was baffled seeing him here.

"I don't remember you informed us coming"

"I d-didn't? Silly me, must have left out my mind haha.."

Okay. This was getting awkward.

"Why are you here then and not in King's reading quarters if I may ask?"

Yoongi emphasized the word 'here' referring to Tae's room.

"I just wanted to see how the Southern boy was doing. I am done here! See you next time!"

Seokjin brought his hand forward for a handshake. Taehyung thought why a higher up person like him would shake hands with a slave. He paid attention to Seokjin's facial expression. He was trying his best to hold his fake smile. His forehead was sweating and his eyes were practically screaming.

"My pleasure Sir."

That's when Taehyung felt the paper Seokjin passed through the handshake to him.

Yoongi eyed them suspiciously. Seokjin left the room, Yoongi followed right after but not without giving Taehyung a hard look.

Taehyung returned the look without breaking into sweats.

'Please go... Please go... Please go!'

He needs to read this note. If somehow Yoongi catches him....he doesn't want to think about what's gonna happen.

Taehyung sighs when they are finally gone and opens the note.

"The day after tomorrow, meet me at Hoseok's Hut. I'll tell you everything there. Don't forget to burn this note."


Taehyung's life is as depressing as mine's.

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