Ice Skating Troubles ~ Alberta(f) x Texas(m) ~ Fluff

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Sorry this ones short, I have a bit of writers block going on.
So just as a reminder, requests are open, so please if you have any feel free to leave them here.
Regardless, I hope you enjoy.
"Come on you goof!" Alberta called from the center of the makeshift ice rink, which was really just a pond that had frozen over.
"I ain't sure 'bout this Berta!" Texas called back as he struggled to balance himself with the ice skates on. Alberta let out a chuckle before skating back over to the snowy ground.
"Here." She held out her arms, which Texas gladly took. She carefully helped him step onto the ice. His worried expression was a new one, that had anyone else been there he would've hidden. But luckily for him it was just his little wild rose, who found his current state hilarious. Finally both his feet were on the ice. "See, not that hard." Alberta chuckled as Texas' grip on her arms tightened. "Oh my, is Mr. Bigshot Texas, scared of a little ice?"Alberta teased. Texas straightened his back at the sentence. He wasn't a coward. And if being able to skate was something Alberta liked, well then by golly he was gonna be the best skater on this end of the south.
"No I ain't!" Texas exclaimed, letting go of Alberta. However, his pride was his downfall in this instance. The second he let go of her he lost his balance. He flailed his arms about as he slowly slid backwards, before finally falling back and landing on his butt. He groaned at the sudden pain. Alberta laughed as she skated towards the texan.
"Ya good bud?" She asked, reaching out her hand to help him up. He grumpily took her hand and stood up, once again holding onto her for dear life.
"Yeah I'm fine." He grouchily answered her. She let out another giggle.
"Here." She slowly turned so that they were aligned with the ground. Texas gripped onto her hands as she slowly started to skate backwards, gently pulling him along. He kept his feet far apart, slightly leaning back and forth as he tried to keep from falling again. "It's ok, just relax." Alberta calmly told him.
"Easy for you to say." He clenched his teeth as they slowly turned with the circular shape of the pond.
"You're doing great Bonnet." Alberta comforted. Once again however, his pride got the best of him and he was eager to show her he could do it on his own. He let go of her hands and slowly tried to follow what she had been doing. Once again though, he lost balance, this time sliding forward. The spiky tip of his skate hit the ice and he fell forward and onto Alberta. She winced a bit at the sudden impact.
"Agh! Sorry Berta." Texas groaned and then quickly made sure his girlfriend was ok, considering she not only hit the ice but also got momentarily crushed by him.
"It's ok Tex, don't worry 'bout it." She told him. She reached over and picked up his hat that had flown off his head during the fall. They slowly sat up and he rested his head in the crook of her neck, wrapping his arms around her waist. She softly placed a hand on his head, running her fingers through his fluffy hair.
"I hate ice." He bluntly stated in a tone that matched a toddler not getting his way. "It's cold, it's slippery, and it hurts." He pouted. Alberta let out a small chuckle. She didn't get to see this side of Texas all that often. Texas pulled his face back to make eye contact with her. "You're mean! I'm tryn' here!" He exclaimed, in yet another toddler-like voice. Alberta held back another giggle.
"I know ya are, and I'm proud of ya for that, but watchen ya try and skate is like watchen a fish out of water." She let the giggle escape her mouth. Texas pouted again. Alberta took note of this. "Hey, I love you. No matter what, ya got that? Whether or not you can skate, I love ya with all my heart." Alberta cupped his face in her hands, making sure they had eye contact. The sudden shift in her tone surprised the texan yet brought a certain sense of comfort. He rested his chin on her shoulder again.
"I love ya too Berta." He softly told her. "And I guess I'll give you a point for beating me in ice skating, but don't tell no one." Texas added. She let out yet another one of her precious little giggles that always melted his heart, even if they were directed at his falls.
"My lips are sealed." She placed a kiss on his head. He lifted his head up and kissed her forehead.
"Now can we get up? My butt's freezing." Texas quickly told her. She gave him a slight grin.
"Yeah, I guess we can." She teased.

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