Picnic Cuddles ~ Alberta(m) x Texas(m) ~ Fluff

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Hello! I'm still here! I'm slowly trying to return. I hope to become more active again as time goes on, but for now I'll be trying to catch up on requests and other projects I didn't get a chance to finish.

Regardless, this was a request made by @mysteriousgoulash

Sorry it took so long, and I hope you enjoy!


Texas' POV

I paced around my room as my thoughts ran wild. Berta and I have a date today. We've already been on a few but this relationship is still a fairly new one and we've yet to tell anyone. We're going on a picnic today, which I'm very excited for but I've got to find a way to leave with a picnic basket without raising suspicions. How am I supposed to do that? What could I possibly be doing with a picnic basket?

I got up extra early to prepare it so I wouldn't have to risk someone questioning me there. I have to find a way to leave without anyone seeing me. So I have to leave at a point when everyone is distracted, how can I ensure they're all distracted?

I stopped pacing as an idea struck. It was risky but it was my best bet. I grabbed 50 bucks, put it in my pocket and went out into the hall. I walked towards a very specific bedroom door and knocked. I waited and after a moment the door opened.

"Hey Tex!" Florida exclaimed upon seeing it was me.

"Howdy Flo, mind if I come in for a second?" I asked looking around to make sure no one would see me going in.

"Sure." He said as he moved over for me to enter the room.

I quickly walked in and he closed the door.

"So, what's this about?" He asked.

"How would you like to make 50 bucks?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow.

"I'm listening."

"I need you to cause some chaos. I need people distracted, but no one can know I asked you to do this, make sense?" I explained. He looked at me suspiciously.

"I mean I'm always down to cause some chaos, so I'll do it, but can I ask why you need this? And why people can't know you wanted this?" He asked.

I shifted slightly as I internally panicked. I don't blame him for asking, I blame myself for not preparing to answer this question.

"I- I can't tell you that. At least not yet." He stared at me for a few seconds before shrugging.

"Alright then, I've made worse deals." He causally said and then stuck out his hand.

I pulled the money out of my pocket and gave it to him, then made my way back to my room and waited. After a few minutes of waiting I heard yelling and running and just a whole lot of noise. I didn't stop to consider what Florida may have done, I just grabbed what I needed and made my way to the exit. As I opened the door I heard a voice behind me.

"Where are you going." I turned to see Alaska. I paused.

"Um, out." I answered.

"Yeah I can see that, but like, out where?" He raised an eyebrow. I was panicking.

"Um... I- uh..." My mind was blank. Finally I spat out, "I'll see you later." And ran out the door. I kept running until I got to where we had agreed to meet up. I laid down on the ground and tried to catch my breath.

Alberta's POV

It was about time I leave to meet up with Tex. I double checked that I had everything and then made my way to the door.

As I was about to leave I heard Quebec's voice from behind me, a smirk on her face.

"Now where might you be going?"

"None of your business." I saw her frown as I closed the door.

I made my way over to where we were gonna meet up. As I approached I saw him laying there breathing heavily. I ran over and sat next to him by his head.

"Are you alright?" I asked him.

"Oh, hey there, you look nice." He smiled. I sighed.

"Thank you, you do as well, now are you alright?" I asked again. He sat up.

"Never better." He said still breathing heavily.

Texas' POV

He stared at me clearly not buying it. I smiled at him, hoping he would believe me. It didn't seem to work.

He moved over so that he was next to me. He put his arm around me and then put a hand on my cheek to turn my face towards him. I could feel my face heat up and likely turn bright red. He gave a small chuckle and then slid his hand down to hold my chin. We were both quiet for a second and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.

"Can I pretty please have an honest answer?" He asked and gave a pleading look. I sighed.

"Leaving the house was... a challenge." I stated. He gave a sympathetic look.

He pulled me closer and I rested my head on his shoulder, he then placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Do you want to talk about it or would you prefer to just eat?" He asked.

"Both?" I looked up at him and he smiled.

"Alright then." He got up and laid out the blanket and food.

After we took our food he returned to his spot next to me with his arm over my shoulders. I was leaning onto him still. I'm a bit taller then him so I have to lean for his arm to be comfortably around me.

"I had to find a way to leave without anyone questioning me." I started. "I bribed Florida to cause chaos so no one would see me, but Alaska saw me anyways and I panicked. He asked where I was going and I just kinda panicked and said I'll see you later." I groaned and leaned into him more. He started playing with my hair.

"I see." He went quiet for a moment before giving me another forehead kiss and saying "It'll be alright. I know that probably doesn't help much but I'm sure it will be. I mean, what does Alaska really care what you do with your time?"

I guess he has a point. I sat up and smiled down at him, his arm falling to my waist.

"Now there's that pretty smile of yours!" He smiled back.

I leaned down and kissed him. We were out for a few hours like that, chatting and eating and cuddling, it was amazing. At the end of the day he was right, I doubt anyone's really gonna care all that much where I was. And either way, this right here, being happy here with him, that's all the really matters, this right here makes it all worth it.

Province and State one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora