There's no way ~ Quebec(f) x New York(m) ~ Fluff

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Quebec's POV

I looked at myself in the mirror, looking over my outfit one last time. A tight white off the shoulder top with sleeves that went down to my elbows and flared out into bell sleeves. A blue dark pencil skirt that went down to about mid thigh. Some black fishnets and black thigh high boots that stopped just a bit before the skirt started, so only a little bit of the fishnets were showing. My long black hair was pulled back into a half up half down look. And then of course I need a beret, it's just a matter of which one.

I looked over at the growing collection. Blue or black? I like my black one the most, but the dark blue one would go best with the skirt. But the black would tie in with the boots. I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts when the door to my room slammed open. I looked over to see Ontario.

"You're gonna wear that?" Ontario looked over the outfit as I put on the black beret and started looking for a purse.

"Oui, do you have a problem with that?" I asked her, not really caring about the answer she gave.

"I thought you guys were gonna walk around New York City for this date?" She said with small smirk. I whipped my head around and glared at her.

"First of all, it is not a date as I've said many times now. And secondly, yes we will be. It's just hanging out." I told her as I contemplated between two bags.

"Yup, sure, 'just hanging out'. Then why, do tell, are you dressed so fancy?"

"It's not that fancy, excuse me for wanting to look presentable." I retorted as I decided on a small black purse with silver details on it, it was an over the shoulder one. I pulled out a black jacket and put it on as I pushed passed her and left my room.

"Have fun on your date~" Alberta called from the kitchen as I left.

"Not a date!" I yelled back, closing the front door behind me.

New York's POV

I stood there nervously fiddling with my scarf as I waited for her to get here. I was waiting by the level transport.

My stupid siblings managed to get into my head before I left. This isn't a date. Right? She doesn't think it's a date. We're just, hanging out. Yeah. But what if she does think it's a date?

"Bonjour New York." I was pulled out of my thoughts to see Quebec standing there. She was beautiful. I could feel my face heating up.

"H-Hey! How are yOU?" F**k. My. Life. Of course I got a f**king voice crack. Why wouldn't I?! She gave a chuckle.

"I am quite good. How are you? Your face is all red, are you alright?" She asked. Sh*t.

"YeAh." I cleared my throat. "Yeah. I'm fine." I told her. She chuckled again. She's so f**king cute.

"So, shall we get going?" She asked.

"Yeah!" I said as we got on the transport.

We got to the human level and walked into the city. We walked quietly for a bit. She was pretty good at navigating around everyone and everything.

"Is there an issue?" She asked me. Sh*t, I was staring.

"Nope, no issue!" I am going to beat the ever loving sh*t out of them when I get home. Now I can't even enjoy this! "I was just noticing that you're pretty good at making your way around people and whatever." Let's hope that saved me. She chuckled.

"I've had to walk around Toronto many times before, it's essentially New York City junior." She told me. I laughed.

"Ontario would slug ya in the face if she heard that."

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