Favourite kind of days ~ Texas(m) x Wyoming(f) ~ Fluff

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They're AREN'T related in this!

Request by @f4therl3ss



Wyoming's POV

I sat outside reading happily. It was quite. Which is unusual but appreciated. There was a gentle breeze and the sun was shining, overall it was a really nice day.

I suddenly felt someone sit beside me, followed by a hat being placed on my head. It was way to big for me so it quickly slid down and covered my eyes.

I put my bookmark on the page I left off on and closed the book. I then looked up at who had sat next to me, causing the hat to slid to the back of my head.

I met eyes with Texas. His messy brown hair was dancing lightly in the wind now that his hat wasn't holding it in place. He smiled down at me.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey." I smiled back.

"Wanna go somewhere?" He asked.

"Such as?" I responded, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know." He shrugged. "We could just go for a horse ride down the back path." He suggested. I thought for a moment.

"Sure, that could be fun."

He jumped up and pulled me off the seat, slinging me over his shoulder. The hat once again fell to cover my eyes, this time I pushed it back myself.

"Texas put me doWN-" He suddenly started running towards the barn.

I gripped onto the back of his jean flannel as tight as I could. He laughed as I half screamed half laughed.

He walked into the barn, to my horse, and placed me on top of her. I shook my head and gave him a playful kick.

"Don't do that." I stated.

"Why not?" He smirked and raised an eyebrow as he lead out my horse, Grace.

He walked back in before I could answer and walked back out with his own horse, Bonnet. He sat in the saddle and slowly started towards the path. I followed after him.

"So why'd you wanna hang out?" I asked once we were on the path.

"Can't a guy just wanna hang out with his girlfriend?" He smiled over at me and I felt myself blush. I looked away.

Had we been dating for over a year now? Yes. Did I still get flustered every time I was reminded we were dating? Also yes.

"So, how was your day?" He asked.

We started chatting about how today went and what plans we had for the week. I don't really like talking but I don't mind it with Texas. That could have something to do with him being one of the few people who actually listen when I talk.

I also didn't have to talk much when I was with him. He did most of the talking which I appreciated. For one it meant I didn't have to talk as much, and for two it meant I got to hear his voice more.

I loved his voice. Especially when he's excited about something.

We made it to a point where the path split two ways. He came to a stop and looked over with a smirk.

"Race to the top of the hill?" He asked. I smirked back.

"Of course. Just take your hat back so I don't lose it." I said handing him his hat back.

Somehow his hat fit perfectly. It never fell off. I don't know how, but it only came off if he wanted it to.

Once he placed his hat on top of his head we took off down the path. The wind hit my face as we raced and it felt really nice. I loved days like this.

We were neck and neck but I managed to win.

"Getting a little rusty there cowboy." I teased as we came to a stop.

"Getting a little cocky there." He responded, stopping next to me.

We both laughed for a minute. He leaned in and we kissed. He looked out at the scenery below. It was beautiful.

We sat there for a while, looking at the scenery and chatting. Suddenly he got a text. He checked and then smiled up at me.

"Lou made cookies and the others haven't gotten back yet." He told me.

"Now that sounds like something worth racing for." I teased.

"Couldn't agree more." He said putting his phone away.

With that we turned back to the path and raced back. He managed to beat me this time.

"What was that about me getting rusty?" He asked.

"What was that about me being the cocky one?" I respond.

He chuckled as we walked into the kitchen. Lou was exiting the kitchen but stopped to look back at us.

"Try not eat them all of them before the others get back." She said as she left.

"We make no promises." Tex called out after her.

We walked over and started eating the cookies. I hopped up and sat on the counter. After a while we stopped eating the cookies and just started chatting again.

He walked over and stood between my legs and leaned in, planting a kiss on my lips again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. After about a second someone entered the kitchen.

"Ew! Get a room!" Florida exclaimed in disgust. We looked over.

"Dramatic much?" Tex stated. I gave a chuckle.

He picked me up and walked past Florida into the living room. He laid down on the couch and I cuddled into his chest. He put on a movie.

We just laid there and watched the movie as chaos unfolded around us. Eventually we just fell asleep.

These are definitely my favourite kind of days.

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