17: Train

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Sorry for the mistakes.

Nandini's pov

We finally step into the train after a lot of Manik's tantrums and questions

I prefer Upper seat, but I got side lower. I was walking in the train Compartment to see my designated berth when I heard him asking again "Nandini, What are these? "

God!! He can be so stupid Sometimes. He's literally asking me questions at every step.

I was trying to act as supportive and polite I could but this is the limit, so I did what I wanted to do

" What the hell Manik? Use common sense. I mean okay, I get it this is your first time here in train but that doesn't mean you can't know anything. Its like if I never had sex then I won't know how to d-" I was ranting without thinking until I realised what the hell I'm uttering.

Realising what I uttered, I shut my mouth with both my hands and closed my eyes wishing to just disappear from there

This is embarassing on another level.

Slowly peeking around, I saw people are gaping at me, some were giving me disgusted looks, and some were whispering.

I looked away and saw Manik, who was actually finding my embarassing situation very entertaining.

My ears and cheeks felt like it will burn anytime now. Embarassed, I walked fast without bothering whether he is following me or not.

Finally finding my seat, I took no time to sit and pull the curtains over to hide myself from others glare

What the hell was that?

'How can you be so stupid, Nandini urghhh' I was cursing myself when the porter came with my luggage. I instructed him to keep below my seat.

I was still not over with my embarassment, when I looked up only to see that Manik was standing there, with both his hands in his pocket and giving me his famous devilish smirk.

Some person was asking him to get aside but Manik Malhotra was standing there like he own the train, not just train like he owns the world.

I raised my eyebrows at him, his smirk only grew wider.

" What? You're being a hurdle to others. Sit " I stated

He didn't said anything, only step aside and then looked at the seat.

" Do you expect me to sit here? " He asked pointing his fingers to the seat

" Duh!! Look around you. Everyone is sitting on this only " I stated the obvious

" I don't do what everyone does " he replied proudly

" Oh! If thats the point, then do one thing, sit on the train floor. No one is sitting on it. In that way you'd be different from others " I suggested giving him a tight lipped smile

" Nandini, don't instigate me to do something which both of us would regret " he hissed in his intimidating voice

" You know what Manik, I am literally tired. So do whatever you want to. Just a heads up, you can't stand for 32 hours " I responded plugging my ear plugs

A few seconds later, my ear plugs were pulled, I looked up only to see a very angry looking Manik hovering over me like a hunter.

I pulled the curtains immediately, so as to avoid unwanted glares and whispers.

" What do you mean by 32 hours " he whispered looking dead serious

" It would take 32 hours to reach Delhi" I informed him

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