36- Embarassment

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Sorry for the mistakes.

Nandini's pov

The next day I woke up in a car with stiffen neck and arms, a huge body snuggling into my neck more and more making me groan.

It took me a good two minute to decipher everything about my surrounding, and to the heavy person on top of me

how am I able to breathe under him?

His soft snores were audible in my ears which made me sigh in relief as I'll leave before he'll wake up

After a lot of struggles for making myself free from his iron like body I finally succeeded.

Just when I open the car door, a deep sleepy voice behind me murmured " uhh where are you going? "

I chose to ignore and ran away quickly towards the palace.


" Thank-Thank You for yesterday " As soon as I came out of the washroom I heard his nervous voice which again brings me back to yesterday where I sat on his lap voluntarily. Just thinking about it made my face hot.

Stupid-est me!

To save myself from encountering another embarassing situation, I hurriedly started going outside when he quickly came and stood infront of the door

I looked up in a frown only to met with his surprised face, his eyebrows raised, while eyes pointing towards me

I was not in a mood of playing any of his guessing game, so I changed my direction but he again came infront of me

" What? This isn't the penthouse, there are lots of helpers outside " he reasoned looking in my eyes

My frown deepened as I couldn't understand what the hell he's trying to say so, I again tried to leave when he again came infront of me
" Wear something other than a towel, then go out "

I frowned at his statement but nevertheless looked down only to feel the oxygen flew away from my lungs, I was indeed in a towel as I forgot to take my clothes in hurry.

Where the hell are you my good for nothing brain??

To say, I was shocked would be an understatement, I was embarrassed to the core, my hands quickly flew to cover both my face to hide myself from his intense gaze but in a hurry, I did another disaster.

And just when I thought, I couldn't be more embarrassed, somehow the tug of the towel opened because of my so called hurry. my mind stopped working, eyes shut tightly and all I could feel was my towel slipping away, in-short I became a statue until a pair of hands stopped the towel by keeping it at its place.

Trust me, I was sweating. No one would think I just showered.

I was neither in a condition to look to the owner of the hands nor to remove his hands away. Heck, I didn't even know am I alive or died because of my stupidity.

Noticing nothing from my side, he started moving his one hand towards my back while one hand intact in its position. Wrapping the towel tightly around my frame, he stopped just where my heart is located.

" Here, tuck it in " I heard his hard rasp voice after a minute clearly indicating he's controlling himself.

Thankfully, my good for nothing brain worked. I took the towel tug from his hands and ran straight to the washroom.

Closing the door, I wanted the floor to swallow me up, how am I gonna face him now

Why I have to be so stupid?

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