37- If and what

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Sorry for the mistakes.

Nandini's pov

I turned towards him confused as to what messages he's referring to? I don't even have his phone no. for god sake

" Out of all people in the whole world, why would I send message to someone like YOU " I voiced out showing my disinterest in the topic

" You tell me " he raised his eyebrows

" Urghh I don't even have your number, Manik irritating Malhotra " I uttered giving him a tight lipped smile

He looks at me bewildered before speaking slowly " I'm talking about the texts you sent when you-you had my number "

His statement made me numb but I had two mind that maybe what I'm thinking isn't true so, I pretended to be confused " I'm sorry? What-what messages? And What number?"

He sat on the bed before answering " the texts- you sent me for 2 years when I left coll-college" he said slowly moving his eyes down as if he was too guilty to look at me

To say I was shocked would be an understatement, in a moment all my past has been kept infront of me. And to think that he knows about all those texts where I actually said things which I'd never say it out loud is just acting like adding like fuel in fire.

My face got paled, suddenly one question arised in my mind, did he said he love or like me because of those texts, out of sympathy?

" Are you- Are you fine? I didn't wanted to t-tell you like this but- uhh I thought you'd like to know" he hesitantly uttered moving his gaze a little up

" Did you said you like me out of sympathy? " my mouth blurted before I could filter anything

" Wh-What? No No. Never " he said quickly standing up from the bed marching towards me.

I looked at his eyes to find any lie but got nothing except regret but again I don't know whether I can trust him on this or not

" Ohk " I murmured not knowing what to speak

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward, the silence wasn't helping at all, chucking these thoughts I slowly turned back when he again spoke or more like whispered " umm No No one ever made me feel l-like that. Uhh those texts were something totally different f-for me "

Hearing him made me realise that there were always people around him to kiss on the floors he walks to, he's crush of thousands of girls, and people always go out of their limits just to impress him but all these things never ever happened to me

I am indeed a fool!

He again spoke something about how my texts were so full of emotions and all which I couldn't hear as I was too occupied with all the bittersweet memories

I know this is not the time to cry on the past or present or how I never had someone to pamper me but something inside me stirred when he said those words about my texts.

Seeing me not speaking anything, he commented jokingly to make the surrounding less intense " if I'd knew your raw emotions and if I was courageous enough in college, then I'm pretty much sure we'd be happy right now "

His statement made my blood boil and without much ado I turned to look at him, this time straight in his eyes.

Gritting my teeth I went and kicked him between his legs with my knee, he immediately crouched groaning in pain while tears were fully flowing on my face.

" Fuck you and your truckloads of ifs and what. Nothing matters now. You hear that, nothing matters. Moan in pain, I'm not gonna give you any pain relieving cream also " screaming with my face filled with tears, I left the room while shutting the door with a thud ignoring his painful groans

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