38- Punishment??

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Sorry for the mistakes.

Manik's pov

" Damn, what is your problem Manik? Don't follow me everywhere. I'm going to take shower for god sake. Leave me alone" Nandini shrieked, irritated with all my following in our penthouse.

" We can take shower together maybe, lets save water " my evil mind gave an idea knowing very well she'd chicken out

She opened her mouth to say something, but seeing me pretending to act all innocent she closed her mouth while trying to leave from there.

I was fast enough to pull her towards me, making both of us fall on the bed with her on top of me

She tried to get off from me when I pulled her, whining a little I spoke" No, stay like this "

She frowned seeing me whining but nevertheless didn't commented anything instead glared at me.

Does she think I'll get scared of her so called hard glares?

" What? Do you think I'll get scared of your glares bachha? " I teased cockily to which her glares hardened but not without a tint of redness on her cheeks because of me calling her bachha

" Manik please, I'm getting late " she requested softly touching my nose with her's, looking deep in my eyes with care and just like some spell, I left her waist which made her immediately get off from me.

Before I could realise what just happened, she was already by the washroom door

" Hey hey thats cheating! You-You distracted me " I scowled sitting on the bed.

" Did I? " She asked lazily before trying to wink at me only to get failed miserably as both her eyes were shutting in the process.

Trying a no. of times she made an irritated face and muttered "whatever" before leaving for shower.

I sat there in amusement, it took all my self control to not run and squish her into my arms.

How can she be this cute without even trying?

Times like these, I feel so so bad that how I missed so many years where I could have literally adored her every antic.

Talking about past, I always have this unsettling feeling in my heart nowadays which I literally want to replace with peace, Everytime Nandini smiles at me or talk to me instead of feeling good, I feel bad for leaving her, for not recognising her and for simply using her.

I want her to give me some punishment, something to repent my mistakes so that I could feel free and less burdened.

I'm fine with any punishment except for leaving her. That I can't do, no matter what.

I've tried to talk to her so many times about this topic but one way or another she always divert the topic or leave from there.

Making my mind, I decided that today I'm going to ask her to give me some punishment even if it means to trap her in this room, that also I'll do.

The washroom door clicked breaking my trance revealing her in white short kurta with blue jeans looking simply beautiful.

Her shoulder length hair were wet, she tried to blow dry them. From the mirror I could see her frowning a little making her little nose twitched which formed a little smile on my lips.

Suddenly she turned back, cupping her waist with both her hands she stood infront of me and started speaking something which I wasn't able to hear as I was too busy checking her out.

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