31- Regret

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Sorry for the mistakes.

Manik's pov

My father's dream project has been called off, just thinking about it makes my head boil that I want to kill Nandini in an instant.

Yesterday, she crossed her limit by dumping water on Anshika out of Jealousy, or Insecurity or whatever .

Anshika and I have a history, we dated in high school but called off our relationship because of distance and a little misunderstanding.

Seeing Anshika after years, I got numb as the whole school memories came rushing into my mind. She used to be my crush since third grade and vice-versa. We were the Couple Goals in our school, dated for almost 2 years.

And Nandini straight way came and dump a freaking glass of cold water on her.

Because of her this action, Anshika's husband called off the deal.

Anyone would, obviously!

Nandini can never understand what does dream means

Are you shitting right now?

My heart mocked on my comment. well whatever!

I was so angry last night that I took out all my anger and frustration of losing the deal on her while she on the other hand only sobbed and hiccupped which was very unlike of her.

I wasn't in the right state of might, Something gotten inside me when I heard about the deal and She seems to be the most convenient option at that time, thus I put all the blame on her.

The time when we reached the penthouse, I literally commanded her to get lost, that was the first time in my life, I saw her scared. Scared of me. She was scared, which again is very unlike of her.

The next day, I came back after sorting out the whole issue, taking back the deal as our idea was almost perfect and more than me, Anshika's husband needed the deal

Anyways, when I came back I didn't found Nandini in our room making me wonder where she can go?

I need to talk to her about yesterday so, I asked one of the maid about her whereabouts, she told me, Nandini left early for office.


In night,  the penthouse was in an eerie silence when I reached, there was no trace of Nandini in the room or anywhere so, I called one of the maid who informed that she had dinner and went to sleep in a room beside ours.

Taking a moment, I thought to give her a little space and time, then will talk or more like apologize for my outburst.

But again the next day same routine and the next day also. It took me a few days to gather that she's avoiding me purposely.

She leaves the house before I wake up and come late or even if she come early, she locks her room.

For once I thought to use Master key, but dropped the idea as she's already hurt by me, can't afford to anger her more

Its 5 days now and I haven't seen her face since that awful night. The last time when I saw her, her face was covered in tears, she was sobbing and hiccupping inbetween and top of all she looked sad, scared and broken.

5 days before, I wanted to shout more so that she'll get hurt more, but today the want to shout has changed into a need to see her. I want to see her now. Just One glance

I decided that I'll see her today anyhow, for that I tried to see her in the morning but she left, so in night I came early and kept sitting on the couch.

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