displaying the mark

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"Son of a gun," Steve murmured, a wave of relief circled his soul as Tony barely made it, dropping through the shrinking black hole in the sky. But that comfort then turned to near panic as it soon became clear - Stark was not slowing down.

Thor began to spin his hammer round and round, ready to take flight and catch the Man of Iron when a second later, the black hole turned a smoky, silvery grey and another figure followed the red and gold suited billionaire, the hole then swiftly closing behind them.

From where Captain America and the God of Thunder stood, the second individual appeared to be a lady with large, black feathered wings. And it looked like she, too, was unconscious.

The long haired blond bent his knees when a loud noise echoed through the practically decimated city. The giant ball of green rage snatched Iron Man from the air, and somehow, despite his continuous momentum, gently took hold of the woman as well.

With Tony thrown over his right shoulder and the blackette nestled in his left arm, the Hulk latched onto the closest building, sliding down it, before leaping to and fro to get down to where the three grounded heroes were. Which is also where he threw the unconscious billionaire none too gently to the cracked tarmac, whilst still cradling the female to his bare, grim covered chest.

Thor stepped forward and ripped off the man's faceplate. Steve knelt by Tony's head, his own face, covered in dirt and sweat, was solemn at the blank lifeless state of Iron Man.

The Incredible Hulk then let out a deafening bellow, the sound jolting Tony awake, and with a natural Stark response on his lips, "Please tell me nobody kissed me."

Like he was stunned by their startling success, Steve then wore a small smile on his lips, "We won."

Stark let out a quiet, half hysterical laugh, "Alright. Hey. Alright. Good job guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow," Tony gave a slight groan, "Let's just... take a day. Have you ever tried shwarma?" He was unable to move, instead, his eyes darting from face to face, "There's a shwarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I-," He finally noticed what, or rather who, Banner was holding, "Who's the chick?"

His hazel brown gaze shifted over the beautiful, unconscious and winged woman when Steve sighed, "We're not sure, she followed you."

All attention was now on her and the Hulk noticed, him narrowing his eyes at them.

The Captain stood up and moved closer when the green giant then took a step forward with his teeth bared, like an Alpha wolf protecting a member of his pack.

The blond quickly held up his hands, "Woah, big guy, I'm not going to hurt her, I just-"

They all, except the Hulk, jumped when she inhaled sharply and her eyes flew open, mesmerizing the group of three with the vibrant, electric verdant colour. With an accented and bell like voice, she then whimpered softly, "Sirius," before her eyelids fluttered shut. She let out a muffled groan of pain as her head lolled to the side before sagging in Bruce's embrace.

The Hulk frowned, an unhappy grumble coming from his throat before pushing her ebony coloured hair away from her face, baring her neck and causing Thor to then choke on air.

He gulped at seeing the mark just behind her ear, a small circle inside a triangle and parted down the middle by a single line. The Asgardian hung Mjolnir on his belt before walking past Stark and Rogers, standing in front of the one who held someone who was supposed to be but a bedtime story, "Give her to me, Banner."

The huge man eyed him warily, before gently passing the weird guy with the red curtains on his back, the pretty angel with the pretty eyes who he'd pulled from the sky.

Thor took in a shaky breath as he shifted her carefully in his grasp like she was made of glass. Her face pressed instinctively into his chest, midnight black locks spilling over his muscled forearm and displaying the mark on her slender neck once more. The tips of the beautiful woman's large black wings almost touched the ground, her halter top, black satin dressed shined like a starless night sky and her pale, almost white skin glowed under the sun.

The blond looked to his friends, obviously shaken, "We must speak to Loki."


The Avengers.

Iron Man, Captain America, The Incredible Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye and Thor. All stood in the destroyed penthouse of Stark Tower before a groaning God of Mischief, who laid in a nicely made dent surrounded by glamorous, sparkling shards of glass.

Clint stepped forward, bow aimed and arrow ready to fire, but a blond Asgardian stopped him, still holding the winged unconscious woman in his arms.

Curious, and despite his pain, Loki struggled to sit up to see who she was. He could already sense a strange, yet familiar power about her and his... brother would not just hold anyone so carefully or delicately, even his science-human-person-whatever. The God of Thunder then slowly pushed aside a few locks of the lady's hair, revealing the mark.

Which immediately caught the black haired god's shocked gaze.

Tony and Steve exchanged a small glance, finding it weird that the two had had the same reaction at the sight of her and the weird symbol on behind her ear.

He sucked in a breath, his eyes widening, "That's impossible."

Thor shook his head, his face stony, "No. It has to be her."

"She doesn't exist," Loki denied vehemently, almost hissing with narrowed eyes, "It is only a bedtime story. She is simply a myth, told to us when we are children."

"Then how is she here in my arms, right now, brother?"

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