trapped in his warm embrace

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The porcelain pale ravenette stared, intrigued. But her face remained blank, even when the motherly goddess smiled softly at her, sitting beside her unhurriedly before she began to gently stroke the back of her fingers across her cheek, "I promise you, dear girl, no harm shall come to you here. And should wish for anything, that is within my power to will be given it.

Hadrianne simply either head slightly, both to avoid the brunette's elegant touch and to gaze at the kind goddess. Her chocolate brown eyes held a maternal warmth that she had never seen before, but was oddly familiar. It made her suspicious.

"What if I were to wish for death? For war? For the pain and suffering of few or many?"

Frigga's brow dipped into a sad frown when suddenly the doors opened and a certain old god wearing golden armour strode in, his two sons trailing closely behind him.

"That would depend."

"On?" Death's Mistress asked, her elven face still emotionless but her entertainment sparkled brightly in her sharp, verdant eyes.

"Who you would wish such things upon."

"Those who have done wrong, of course."

"Many have done wrong."

"Yet you have done nothing," The ravenette's voice was a mere whisper but it echoed off the walls, sounding like an accusation.

The one eyed god clenched his jaw, whilst behind him, Loki and Thor exchanged looks of amusement but unease as shots were fired between the newly awakened yet tired Mistress of Death and annoyed King of Asgard.

"It is not our place-"

"It is mine," she hummed, gently, "I know who I am, Odin Borson, what I am. Aliens, the Midgardians might claim you as but I know. I know celestial beings when I meet them, but not ones as weak as you. Even gods can die, yet Death cannot."

Hadrianne unhurriedly rose from her seat and wandered elegantly to stand right in front of the old god, "I am Death's Mistress, I know when one's time is up," she leaned closer so only he could hear her and none other, "and your time is coming soon, Borson."

The King took a small step back, a tick in his jaw as he swallowed slowly, showing no hint of the fear he felt caused by her words, but she saw it. There was no denying her utterances, he could feel the truth in them.

Her eyes flickered over to another pair of green eyes, darker than her own, seeing the curious and mischievous sparkle drew her in with the familiar feeling it gave her. A long lost memory of a pair of playful redheads flashed in her mind.

Turning on her heel, her sharp emerald stare shifted to a soft verdant gaze to the Queen and Hadrianne humbly smiled, "I wish for sleep."

The greying goddess chuckled lightly as she too stood and took one of the immortal witch's hands, struggling not to think about what the ravenette had just told her husband and gestured to an ebony coloured door with golden accents and door handles, "Please."


The bliss of sleep was lost on her even as she closed her eyes.

She was drawn down into the depths of her mind, her name being called by a honeyed voice sounding of affection and warmth. One shed missed greatly and was always happy, no, desperate to hear. Which would be strange to anyone else who knew just whom that voice belonged to.

Willingly and without hesitation, Hadrianne followed.

Ignoring the dark halls of her psyche, especially the rattling, chained up doors, the ravenette could feel herself breathing easier and thinking clearer as she got closer to the exact... 'person' who was calling out to her. The Mistress hummed quietly when a gentle light began to stroke her face as she closed in on a certain room at the end of one of the 'hallways' of her head.

Stopping at the doorway, Hadrianne's emerald eyes softened to see a man.

One with his elbows resting on his knees, his hands clasped and his head bent so it seemed like he was looking at the tiled floor. He wore only a pair of white linen pants as he sat on the L shaped leather couch. They matched perfectly with his caramel coloured skin and short, messy black hair perfectly.

He looked up.

And a daring, perhaps challenging, smirk danced across his face, amber eyes glittering with an emotion that he would only ever feel for her, "Hadrianne."

The deep, baritone of Death's accented voice sent shivers down the ravenette's spine, a matching smirk curving her lips. The verdant eyed immortal tried her damned hardest to not run into his arms when he stood, his smirk fading into a small smile that made her heart thump painfully.

When his arms wrapped around her and Hadrianne was trapped in his warm embrace, she pushed her face into his neck, breathing in Death's woodsy, campfire like scent. It calmed the witch and really, just helped her think.

"Blaise," she breathed in again, "it's always fascinated me that I 'grew up' with Death. Him eating, sleeping and taking the same classes as me. Never too far away."

"I should have taken better care of you," his hold on her tightened, the guilt in his voice evident.

"I wouldn't be who I am now if nothing that had happened didn't happen," the ravenette tried to soothe him. She slowly kissed the corner of his jaw, having had this conversation before, "I don't blame you, sweetheart, please don't blame yourself."

He started to kiss from the top of her neck down to her shoulder, Hadrianne closing her eyes with pleasure as she moved her head to give him better access.

"I always will, mio amore. You are my Mistress. Your pain is my pain.

Death trailed his fingertips up from her thighs, over her waist, her ribcage and the sides of her breasts then down her arms. The whole time Hadrianne quivered against his hard, toned body, struggling not to whimper...but failing of course.

"Remember when we started dating in our sixth year?"

"Such a scandal," he smirked against her shoulder at her shaky voice, "It almost felt sinful. You being sixteen and me being...well, me."

A low moan left Hadrianne's mouth when Blaise suddenly sucked gently on the side of her neck. The ravenette dug her nails into his back no doubt causing blood to pool.

"Our first time together..." Hadrianne trembled almost violently.

"Mmm..." The tip of his tongue came out to dip into the hollow of her throat.

Her head fell back as she lifted her leg to hook his waist and pull him closer. Her supple, creamy thigh was something that Blaise was all too happy to take hold of.

"The first time I told you I loved you..." the ravenette gasped, breathless as she felt him press himself harder against her.

"Something you only did after Tommy's death. Even though I was watching you that whole time."

Hadrianne ran a hand through his hair, her nails scratching his scalp as he nibbled down her neck once more.

"But I always did. I always have."

"And I will always love you, my Mistress."

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