singing like wind chimes

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Hadrianne woke to curious green eyes, shades darker than her own, studying her face. The last thing she could remember was the Veil and the desperate desire to see her parents and godfather.

Seeing her awake, the individual pulled back, their face changing from marvel and awe to caution and scepticism.

"Who are you?" The blackette murmured, her voice singing like wind chimes. The winged beauty shifted her gaze around the room. White was... everywhere. It made her uncomfortable, "Where am I?"

"I am Loki," the bruised and cut up man answered, his tone guarded, "and you are... safe."

"Safe?" Hadrianne breathed, not really feeling as such in an empty, sterile room and especially because they weren't here.

One of the walls had a huge mirror and, of course, it was a one way see through mirror, she wasn't stupid. She knew who was on the other side... a quiet team of heroes murmuring amongst themselves. Murmuring things about her and she could hear everything.

And she didn't like it.


"What is she, Thor?" Fury demanded, his hands clasped behind his back with his one eye practically glaring at the new potential threat being in the company of the one who just recently tried to enslave the human race with a bunch of aliens, "and why is Loki the only one who can 'help' her?"

"She is supposed to be fictional. The heroine of a mere bedtime story to make the children of Asgard aspire to be brave and selfless. Lady Sif tries to be exactly like her," The God of Thunder explained, his luminous blue eyes also trained on the beautiful woman, "Lady Hadrianne has had many names and titles, but she is mainly known as the saviour of her people in the tale. Defeating a monstrosity of a man that planned to take over the world."

"So like Loki then." Clint's eyes were narrowed dangerously at the God of Mischief, who traded soft words with the strange winged woman, whose face seemed to be closed off, but soft and empathetic.

Thor shook his head vehemently, "Not at all. This man, I doubt I could even call him as such, split his soul again and again to achieve immortality. But Lady Hadrianne found and destroyed all six pieces, then sacrificed herself because she too held a piece of his soul within her. Her death was the only way to truly destroy him."

"Then why is she here?" Tony blinked tiredly, still feeling the coldness of space, unable to shake what he had seen from his mind.

"Nearing the end of the tale, after surviving the Death curse a second time and then saving the world once more, Lady Hadrianne found that she had lost many friends. And instead of being praised for the hero she was, as she well deserved, her world turned against her, blaming her for the deaths of thousands."

Steve Rogers, a man of honour and respect, felt anger course through his veins. How could a world treat a woman who had sacrificed so much like that? Someone who had done everything for them? Lost everything for them?

The two agents SHIELD looked at each other, disgusted by the leaders of her world and amazed by her strength.

Bruce frowned at the tiled floor, sympathy flooding his body, while the other guy started to tremble with rage once more.

And Tony just nodded, understanding completely.

Thor tipped his head downwards, "The story then goes that three artifacts, gifted to her ancestors by Death himself, came into her possession. And she became the Mistress of Death. The mark of the Deathly Hallows forever imprinted on her skin. But unable to accept her new role, her immortality, Lady Hadrianne stood before a gateway called the Veil of the Dead, hoping to take her own life as it had taken her godfather. The tale ends with her stepping through it with the artifacts so no other could wield such a great, terrible power."


"Do you know who you are, my Lady?" The man's voice was elegant, somehow soothing, but she still felt trapped. She could feel her wings bound tightly to her back, the inability to move them was starting to unnerve her. Her bright green eyes were mesmerizing and she knew it.

Perhaps, she could gain this stranger's trust and he'd let her go, "I am... Hadrianne."

The man's eyebrows rose, sensing no lie as awe glittered in his eyes and she stared into them, seeing something... wrong.


"Again, why the hell are we trusting the guy who brainwashed SHIELD agents and tried to take over the planet with someone that Thor says has control over Death?" Clint growled, his jaw clenched and his hands fisted at his sides, glaring at Loki through the glass.

"I believe my brother's magic might placate her's, should she be unstable. In the stories, Lady Hadrianne had suffered severely all throughout her life. And as a child, in her world, unstable emotions led to unstable magic."

"Can you explain the wings?" Natasha questioned, looking up at the tall blond God.

"It must have something to do with her ascending to immortality," Thor explained, "and being blessed by Death himself."

"She's immortal?" Bruce murmured, stunned as his puppy like eyes turned to look at her.

The God of Thunder sighed and pinched his brow, getting annoyed, "Was I not clear to begin with?"


"Your mind, Loki... it is not your own... it has been broken and corrupted," Hadrianne frowned, then raised a hand to Loki's cheek, who flinched at the warm, caring touch, "Why? Who has done this to you? Who has hurt you?"

The corner of the God of Mischief's mouth twitched at her concern, "The stories are true, my Lady."


"You care more about the wellbeing of others than you do about yourself. You have no idea who I am, only my name, and yet worry for me," Loki then frowned, "We all thought you were a myth."

Her eyes widened, startled, and she breathed, "What?"


Fury tilted his head to the side, almost unnoticed by them all except for the Asgardian God whose suspicion towards the bald man had risen ever since the confirmation about the weapons being made to kill his people. What they could accomplish from studying-

"We will not be leaving her here."

The Director of SHIELD's eye shot to Thor.

"I know what you plan to do," the blond Asgardian widened his stance and crossed his muscled arms, the expression on his face dark and intimidating, sending an ice cold shiver of fear down the usually unshakable man's spine, "and I shall not allow it."

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