circle of rainbow light

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The two stood on a little grass patch in the middle of a park, face to face, with the rest of the Avengers surrounding them.

"You should hold her, Loki. When we arrive, I do not doubt that there will be shackles with your name on them." Thor stressed, cradling a certain blackette in his arms.

"I deserve them no less, brother." The younger of the two admitted, but took the slumbering Lady Hadrianne in his embrace anyway.

It seemed the presence of the Mistress soothed both their anger towards each other, peace blooming slowly but surely between the two. The relationship they had was better than when they were children, growing because of the beautiful woman's existence.

"Lady Sif will... what is the term?... freak out."

Thor grinned widely, "Oh very much so."

Steve Rogers and Tony Stark, Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff, as well as Bruce Banner, stood several feet away from the two Gods and the 'Pretty Angel.'

"You'll come back right?" Tony called out, his hands in the pockets of his pressed pants. His eyes were darting between the three of them behind those weird coloured glasses of his.

Since learning that Loki himself had been brainwashed as well, some animosity had faded between them all. But... he had invaded New York, so there was still a little bit.

Loki looked unsure, but Thor answered, very content, "Of course, Man of Iron. And hopefully, you will be able to meet the Lady Hadrianne properly."

"I definitely look forward to it." Natasha nodded. Finally! A woman she could perhaps make friends with. One who was feared by gods! Or aliens... whatever the hell they're classified as these days.

"See you soon, Point Break. And you too, Reindeer Games."

The God of Mischief rose an unimpressed eyebrow at Tony, then at Hawkeye who snorted. Bruce looked slightly anxious. In fact, he had felt so ever since the winged had fallen from the sky. The Other Guy was feeling restless, wanting to say goodbye.

Loki shifted the Mistress of Death in his arms so he could take hold of the Tesseract's container that Thor held out to him.

"Uh, the Hulk says goodbye." Banner barely smiled, making the Other Guy settle and hum with satisfaction.

The black haired God sent him a wary look and the blond God grinned, "I must thank him the next time I see him. Though she would not have died, he had saved her from the immense pain she would have suffered."

Bruce nodded slowly with a small smile. Maybe.

The two brothers then looked at each other and the older twisted his end, making a brilliant circle of rainbow light erupt around them, taking them away to the realm of Asgard and leaving an intricate pattern burnt into the grass.

"Glad I don't have to clean that up," Tony smirked at the red haired assassin, who tsked and rolled her eyes.


"Sir?" A brunette wearing a tight, SHIELD catsuit uniform held a tablet as she stood off to the side of the Director's office. The man himself glanced at the large bandage on her forehead before turning his back to her and looking out the window, his single eyed gaze almost a glare.

"Yes, Agent Hill?" Fury watched the light flare in the sky, informing him they were finally off his planet.

"If she comes back?"

"We hope we don't disrespect her in any way."


"Welcome home, Prince Thor. Prince Loki." Heimdall declared with a deep bow, his golden suit of armour gleaming under the billions of stars and millions of galaxies.

The Mischief God looked slightly stunned that the Guardian of the Rainbow Bridge would even call him that. After that had happened. After everything he had done.

"Both of your futures has changed from your choice to protect the woman in your arms," the tall God explained with an almost proud gaze, "A well thought out decision, my Lords."

"We have many reasons to believe who she is-" Thor started, but Heimdall cut him off with a slight nod.

"When she fell through the little rift in the sky on Midgard, I saw everything, my Lord. She is Lady Hadrianne Peverell Black, the Mistress of Death, the Lady Who Lived And Conquered. And I am just as surprised as you." The golden armoured Asgardian admitted.

"Lady Sif will be awestruck," Loki smirked, studying the blackette's face, "Meeting the person she has idolized her entire life, her heroine."

"She will indeed, my Lord," Heimdall bowed his head once more, this time to hide his small smile of amusement, "Your Mother and Father await the two of you in the throne room."

"Of course. But...How did you not see her in her world? Confirm her existence from the tales told to the children of Asgard?" Thor frowned softly. It had been something that had been annoying him since Loki's, and now Heimdall's, confirmation.

"I could not see her world as it must be hidden from my sight. Perhaps the powerful magic that these 'witches and wizards' hold shielded them," The Guardian of the Bifrost offered, he too was unsure of how such a thing was possible.

The winged Mistress of Death sighed in the God of Mischief's arms, her black as night hair fluttering with a nonexistent wind while her wings stretched only a moment.

"She will wake soon, my Lords. Be cautious. Be kind. Be understanding. The Lady has abandoned her world for peace. The King and Queen know not of her appearance on Asgard just yet."

The two Gods nodded. Thor took Lady Hadrianne from Loki's arms so he could climb onto a horse's back, then passed her back to him, gently as to not disturb her. The blond climbed onto the horse beside him and across the Bifrost, the two brothers rode, to the kingdom of Asgard.

Heimdall took a deep, shaky breath, feeling nervous for the first time in eons, "May the gods of old protect us all for what may come."

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