listen to the tales

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Fury, ignoring his fear and common sense, narrowed his eye, "You would risk the alliance between our worlds for one girl?"

"As I recall, you were planning to use the Tesseract to create weapons to destroy my people," a dark scowl appeared on Thor's face, somehow becoming even more intimidating, the air around them charging with electricity. They all, even Natasha, felt the tremble of thickening tension, "And she is no ordinary girl, Director. I am sure my father would agree, that Asgard would obliterate your planet without a second thought for even entertaining the idea of harming Lady Hadrianne. She would perhaps even do it herself with a flick of her wrist."


Loki felt no hesitation when he began to stroke her hair, his fingers threading through her soft, yet wild curls. Despite the beautiful woman's lethal titles and names, the blackette radiated a sense of peace and an aura of kindness.

The sweet relief of death, he mused silently to himself.

Hadrianne had closed her eyes once more, falling asleep, and from the tales he was told as a boy, despite also being the colour of her mother's eyes, they were also enchanted with the colour of the Killing Curse. An execution that she had survived not once, but twice.

Yes, when he was younger, he had scoffed at the stories of there being a different world filled with entities called witches and wizards using magic for near anything, believing only in his mother's and his own. But here before him, lay the Mistress of Death, the Saviour of the Wizarding World, a fairytale.

The God of Mischief stroked her hand, marveling at how pale and delicate her fingers seemed to be, when his own passed over what felt like a scar. He turned it over and any of his remaining doubts were dashed.


Thor turned his head to look at his brother, who had called his name from behind the mirror. He was gazing through it with an expression of astonishment. Loki was holding one of the Mistress's hands in both of his, reverently.

Dismissing any of the Avengers' pleas to stop him, the God of Thunder quickly entered the room to stand beside his brother. Then he, too, looked just as startled. Just like in the tales, on Hadrianne's hand was the scarred scripture of when she was in her fifth year of education at the school of magic.

'I must not tell lies.'

"We can't leave her here with the Migardians, Thor. Who knows what they would do to her. If it truly is her, think of all that has happened to make her who she is," as he murmured in their ancient tongue to avoid the others overhearing them, Loki watched the blond Asgardian prince's face, hoping with every ounce of his body that he would agree, "What pain and anger she must hold... if the Mistress of Death were to release such power, even accidentally, she would destroy all life on this planet."

"I've already told Fury that we would be taking her back to Asgard with us, with or without his permission. If we have war then so be it." Thor muttered darkly in the same language, "Lady Hadrianne would become a test subject here. A lab rat."

"Was it not told that during her second year attending her school of magic, she was bitten by a basilisk the moment she slayed it, then healed by the tears of a fyre phoenix?" The black haired God wondered aloud. Thor had always been the one to listen to the tales adamantly.

The blond nodded, "She holds the essence of two sacred creatures in her veins. Her tears could bring anyone back from the brink of death, while her blood would kill in a matter of seconds even without the use of any of her magic."

"Moth-" Loki swallowed, "The Queen would gladly take care of her. Lady Hadrianne isn't well at the moment."

Thor clamped his hand on his brother's shoulder, his grip heavy and tight, "She will always be your mother, Loki. And you are my brother. We grew up together and nothing will change that."

The younger of the two sighed again, and they both looked to the sleeping Mistress of Death.

"I can't believe she exists..." the God of Mischief breathed out, now in English, stroking her hand once more. Something that didn't go unnoticed.

"I heard what she said before, brother," Thor took a deep breath, "Is it true? And please don't lie to me."

Loki's gaze fell to his lap, "I fell from the bridge and was taken from the void of space by Thanos."

The blond Asgardian clenched his fists, his fear of the Mad Titan dissolving into anger. How dare he? How dare the purple skinned monster exploit his brother?

"Lady Hadrianne could prove your innocence in all of this, Loki. We both know the Allfather would not believe you without her."

"He won't believe this is her."

Thor smirked, "If he were to insult the Mistress of Death and threaten her life..."

His brother scoffed a single laugh, "The deity himself would appear to defend her honour."

"I must convince the others they would not survive her anger. Because they would not."

"How wise of you, oaf. Who are you and what have you done with my brother?"


Thor now stood before the team of heroes and the Director of SHIELD once more, "If your plan, Fury, is to use her for your experiments, think again."

Steve faced the Director, and surprisingly, so did Natasha, "I agree with Thor, Fury. I was a test subject and although I agreed to Project Rebirth, I refuse to let you use her as a guinea pig."

The redhead nodded, images of the Red Room flashing in her mind.

Clint and Tony said nothing, quietly surprised that the Captain and the Widow were going against the Director, together.

"And I don't think the Other Guy wants that to happen either. He doesn't want the 'Pretty Angel with the Pretty Eyes' to be hurt." Bruce added, almost nervous.

"You would not be able to lock her away to begin with. Lady Hadrianne has more power than myself and my brother combined. She would make Banner's rage look like a mere temper tantrum from a toddler. Upset her and-"

"Okay," Fury cut him off, "She's a threat, a dangerous one, that you're willing to take off the planet. Perhaps when she's sane-"

Thor growled loudly, with a scowl and a narrowed gaze.

"... she could be an ally." Fury finished, carefully.

"Perhaps." but the God highly doubted it. With everything that the Lady Hadrianne had been through, it was more than likely she would become a third, apathetic party.

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