Chapter 4

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After what felt like hours, was really only a minute, Josh finally got up. 

The EMTs got Josh on the stretcher and carried him to the ambulance. As they carried Josh off the field I bolted down the bleacher steps towards the ambulance. 

"Oh My God! Josh are you ok?!" I said I reaching over to hold his hand, letting him know I'm there.

"Yeah I'm fine, probably a concussion" He said slightly tipping his head up to look at me.

"Ok, I'm going to meet you at the hospital, is their anything you want me to do?"

"Yeah call my mom and tell her what happened" He said.

"Of course. I'll see you over there"

I started to walk towards the parking lot to my car when Josh yells for me. "Could you bring a pair of shorts and underwear for me? I want to get out of my uniform" He said.

"Ok" I yell over my shoulder.

I sped over to my house to grab the clothes for him, I called his mom on the way over to let her know what happened. 

When I got to my house, I raced up to my room to grab him some clothes that I keep for him in my dresser since we always have sleepovers and I have clothes at his house too. 

On the way to the hospital I keep thinking about those seconds that he wasn't moving.

You know how when something drastic happens and you change your view of something? Well that's how I'm feeling. I know I had a crush on Josh, but as shitty as this is to say, him getting hurt made me realize my feelings for him.


After waiting in the waiting room, Mrs. Parker comes out and says to the receptionist I can go in even though I'm not family. 

I open the door and there he is, laying motionless in the hospital bed making me think back to him laying on the field earlier. He must hear me open the door because he turns his head to look at me.

"Hey Katie girl" He said with a smile. Oh boy those butterflies are back again.

"Hey, how you doing?"

"Good for someone with a mild concussion" He smiles weakly.

"Mild?! You passed out!" I said exasperated.

"Yeah for like a minute, then I came to" He said nonchalantly.

"A minute! You still passed out. How are you so calm about all this?!" I said as I started to pace in front of his hospital bed.

"Awww Katie girl, were you worried about me?" He said with a big ass smirk on his face.

"What do you think asshole?! I swore my heart stopped when you didn't move."

"Katie girl... I'm ok, I just have a mild concussion and I get a headache when I get up, that it" He said reaching to hold my hand trying to reassure me.

"I know, I was just really scared" I said sitting down on the bed.

"All I need is some pain killer and rest and I'll be ok" He said still trying to reassure me.

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