Chapter 9

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After catching up with Katie, we're attached to the hip all over again. We FaceTime almost every day and we hang out when Anna takes Emma for a few hours once a week.

Don't get me wrong I do want to get to know Emma since she's apart of Katie's life, but I wanted to be a little bit selfish and have Katie all to myself for a little bit.

I've hung out with Katie twice a week since we rekindled our friendship. It's really good to basically pick up where we left off.

The only thing is I'm starting to become attracted to her again.

I had a crush on her a little bit in junior year, but I never did anything about it because I was worried about ruining our friendship.

I'm pretty sure I'm developing a crush on her again since it's starting to feel the same way it did back then. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about yet since it's still new. 

I have to take Emma into consideration and I'm not sure if Katie is ready to date yet, so I'm going to wait and see if she makes the first move or I get fed up and tell her how I'm feeling.

I'm not worried about losing her friendship now because where adults, so we could handle this instead of avoiding each other, plus we didn't see each other for 5 years so I don't think it's even possible to lose her friendship at this point.


After 3 weeks Katie brought up Emma, asking me if I wanted to finally meet her. I told her I would love to meet her and I also told her that the reason why I didn't want to meet her right away was because I wanted to have Katie to myself for a little bit since missed her so much and she said she felt the same way.

We planned to go to the park, I thought that was a great idea, so I told Katie that I would meet them over there just in case Emma's not comfortable with me enough to ride in the same car.

Once I get to the park I look for them, they're already playing on the swings, so I make my way towards them.

"Hey, you guys ready to have some fun?"

Katie immediately comes over to hug me, she smells so good, I'm not sure if it's her perfume or shampoo, but it smells really good.

I bend down to give Emma a high 5.

"You ready to have some fun sweet pea?"

She smiled. "Yup, can you come on the slide with me?" She asked.

"Of course."

Luckily the playground is empty so we have the place to ourselves for the time being.

We play tag, hide and go seek, and we all race on the slides and go on the swings. Katie did a great job raising Emma, she has really good manners for a 4 year old and she incredibly smart and such a sweet kid.

Katie said she'd go get us some ice cream so she told me watch Emma, I didn't have a problem with that, so we sat at the picnic table playing 20 questions to get to know each other better.

"Favorite flavor of ice cream?"

"Cotton candy. What's yours?" She asked.

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