Chapter 16

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*mature scene halfway through the chapter

I watch palm tree after palm tree pass by as we drive down the highway. It's Emma's 5th birthday and we decided to take her to Disney.

Josh suggested we invite our families to celebrate, so it's us, my family, his parents and his brothers family.

The car stops and Josh turns to me.

"Do you want anything sweetheart?" He asked since we stopped at a gas station.

"Just my usual." My usual is a blue raspberry slushy and a bag of chips.

"Ok I'll be right back" He said pecking my lips.

Over the past 7 months our relationship has been nothing but bliss. We moved in together about 5 months into the relationship, I know it seems a bit too soon, but we knew we're in it for the long haul, so it seemed appropriate.

In the past months we've talked about marriage and kids in the future and he's said that I'm it for him and he obviously knows I feel the same way, he also finally told me he loved me a few months into our relationship.

He was having a stressful week at work, so I surprised him with his favorite things. These days guys are always doing stuff for their girls, but I think it should be both ways, so I wanted to show him that I appreciate, love him, and support him.

~~~Flash back~~~

It's date night for Josh and I, so I figured we'd do something low key since this week was stressful for both of us, so we're staying in and doing a TeenWolf marathon.

After work I went to the store and got Josh's favorite things, snacks, candy and I'm getting take out from his favorite place for dinner.

After I got everything I needed, I drove to his house and set everything up. I changed into my PJ set that Josh loves on me and waited for him to get home, so I put on YouTube to pass the time.

About a half hour later I hear the front door open. He walks into his room and comes over to peck my lips.

"Hey I'm gonna take a quick shower" He said.


15 minutes later I hear the shower turn off and a few minutes later he walks out of the bathroom butt ass naked. Usually when it's just us he's usually naked or in his underwear, so this doesn't surprise me.

He walks over to the bed and I check him out with each step, I am extremely lucky to have this sexy man as my boyfriend, his muscles look delicious with drops of water rolling down his chest and even when he's soft, his dick is still big, just looking at him is making me wet.

He jumps on the bed and he crawls up my body and laid his head on my chest. Lately he's been super cuddly and I don't know what's gotten into him, but I'm definitely not complaining.

Well looks like my horny ass will have to wait because he wants his cuddles.

He raises his head to look at me and all I can see is pure adoration and love?

"I love you Katie girl" He said smiling.

Wait what? I was definitely not expecting that.

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