Chapter 11

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A little after Halloween we had an unexpected visitor pop up, Emma's father wanted to be apart of his daughters life all of a sudden.

I was very skeptical of why all of a sudden he'd show up, like where the fuck have you been these 4 years?

I didn't want to bring him into our lives, but Emma has been asking about her dad a lot lately, so I was put into a tough position.

I sat down with him to make sure he was here for the right reasons. He seems changed, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

Currently Emma is with her father at the park. Their visits have been with me being there, but I decided to let them have time just the two of them.

While Emma is with her father I decide to hangout with Josh. We haven't hung out recently because I've been so focused on Jason's relationship with Emma, so I texted him to see if he was free.

Me- Hey, Emma is with Jason right now so I'm free, r u busy?

Josh- No I'm not. What u wanna do?

Me- Idk, I was just thinking we'd hang out and figure it out from there

Josh- Ok, I got something in mind now. I'll pick u up in a bit

Me- Ok sounds good, is there anything I need to dress for?

Josh- Nope just casual

Me- Ok sounds good

After I finished texting Josh, I got ready. I decide on a hoodie, joggers, and sneakers. I'm deciding to be comfy since I have an idea of what Josh has planned.

When I first told Josh about Jason showing up, he wasn't happy. He doesn't agree with having them have time alone just yet until we see how Jason really is.

I'm Anxious to see him I keep looking out my window for his truck. Once I see his truck pull up, I run outside to him.

He gets out of his truck and opens his arms for me. I dive into his arms. This right here is what I needed after everything that's been going on. I squeeze him as tight as I can.

"It's ok. I got you Katie girl" He said rubbing my back.

After I release him I didn't realize I started to cry until he wipes my cheeks with his thumbs.

"I'm sorry. I didn't even know I was crying. It's been really stressful lately and I guess I got a bit overwhelmed."

"I know, that's why we're hanging out, so you can get your mind off everything" He said grinning.

We get in his truck and it doesn't take long to realize we're going to Sonic. When we were in high school if one of us wasn't doing ok, we'd get ice cream and drive around.

He turned to me. "Ok Katie girl what's bothering you, tell me everything, I'm your therapist" He said.

"Everything. Jason is back in our lives and I'm worried he's going to leave Emma like he did before she was born, like isn't it a bit weird how out of nowhere he shows up wanting to be back in her life?"

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