Chapter 5

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*There will be some mature content towards the end, not a full sex scene or anything, but there will be sexual content.

I woke up to my alarm clock which is odd since I always wake up earlier than my alarm on the first day, but I'm pretty sure I have senior itis already so I don't really care anymore compared to last year.

Don't get me wrong I love high school, but sometimes I just want to get it over with and go to college so I can learn about what I want to do for my career in the future.

Seriously we're probably not going to need to know any of this shit later on in our lives, and half the shit we do need to learn about in life like, how to pay our bills, health insurance, how to balance a check book and other stuff they never teach us about, but should.

"Ugh... Is it time already?" Josh groaned from behind me.

Since we had a week of catching up he slept over here more than anything.

"Yeah, it's time."

"Ok, I'm gonna go eat something and I'll let you have the shower now" He said.


I get up and go get ready. After getting ready I head downstairs to eat breakfast.

I enter the kitchen and notice Josh is still eating breakfast, talking to my brother about his first day of middle school.

"Ethan you're gonna do fine dude" He said trying to reassure my little brother.

"Yeah, but what if I can't make friends?" He said worriedly.

"Ok, your thirteen, teenage guys mostly like sports, so talk sports or video games, pretty easy way to talk to another guy, or wait until someone talks about something you know then jump in and build off that" He said.

"Ok I'll try that, thanks Josh" Ethan said.

"No problem little man" He said giving him a fist bump.

"Ok showers open."

"Ok, thanks" He said leaving the room.

After I finished breakfast I went to go put the bowl in the sink when Josh stopped me.

"Here let me take that from you" He said grabbing my cereal bowl to do the dishes. I discreetly check him out when he grabs my bowl, he just got a haircut and it looks so good on him, it's shaved on the sides and longer on top and styled up. I personally love his hair when it's spiked or styled up, and fabric of his shirt clung to his biceps showing off the muscle definition.

"Haircut looks good, styling it up suits you" I said doing my best not to blush.

"Thanks Katie girl. We better get going" He said.

When we got to school, almost every single female in the damn school was talking about Josh.

"Did you see Josh Parker? he got so hot over the summer and his muscles, Oh my god!" Some senior said.

"I know, I would so fuck him" Another said.

"I overheard Megan talking to one of her friends about when they dated they had so much sex and he had a big dick" She said giggling.

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