Let's go on a date...

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MadaraPov: Seems like I can't keep you under control huh...

//Obito and Kakashi fastly stand up and toke their Sharingan out//

ObitoPov: How often should I tell you that I'm not going back to you. Your control think also doesn't work on me anymore.

MadaraPov: You can go. I won't keep you here with me anymore.

ObitoPov: What?

MadaraPov: You heard me you're free to go.

KakashiPov: But why? Why now?

MadaraPov: Idk I guess you both just kinda remind me of me and Hashirama... Now go before I change my mind!

ObitoPov: Thank you^^

//Obito and Kakashi made their way to Konoha it was pretty late already. Time: 1:23am.//

KakashiPov: (Why am I so nervous right now? It's just Obito right? I told him that I love him and he told me the same... Lucky I have a mask on right now I don't even wanna know how red my face must be.)

ObitoPov: (Kakashis face is so beautiful... And his lips so soft. WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING(////) I want to kiss him again. Who would ever think that I would fell in love with Kakashi haha. Now that I know that he also loves me I should ask him on a date!^^)

//Obito and Kakashi finally arrived at the Village and went straight home to Kakashi.//

KakashiPov: It's good to be home again.

//Suddenly Obito grabbed Kakashis wrist put his mask down and kissed him. After a few moments they broke the kiss.//

KakashiPov: O-Obito w-what was that for?(////)

ObitoPov: Sorry I couldn't hold back^^

KakashiPov: I-Idiot(////)

ObitoPov: I'm your idiot^^

//Kakashi hit Obito on his head//

ObitoPov: OUGHHH! What was that for? ToT

KakashiPov: Deserved it(////)

//Obito chuckled to see Kakashi blushing this much it was just to cute.//

ObitoPov: Let's go to sleep.


ObitoPov: Mean T_T

//After a few hours of sleep Kakashi woke up to see what exactly Obito hugging him. Time: 9:48am//

KakashiPov: Obito didn't I told you to sleep on the couch?(////)

ObitoPov: Sorry I just felt so lonely there so I thought I would sneak into your bed!

KakashiPov: Well but can you let me go. We still need to report everything to the Hokage you know!

ObitoPov: Only if you kiss me!

//Kakashi kissed Obito on his cheek//

KakashiPov: Satisfied?(///)

ObitoPov: For now yes.^^

//Kakashi and Obito got up and made there self ready. They than left the house to go to the Hokage.//

//After they explained what everything what happened to the Hokage.//

TsunadePov: Good to know that you're back and healthy Obito. But Kakashi never do this again this could of end badly!

KakashiPov: Understood.

TsunadePov: You guys can go now.

//After Obito and Kakashi left the Hokages building they both went to the training ground to hope that Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke would be there.//

NarutoPov: AHHHHHH

//Naruto fell of a tree to be caught by Sasuke//

SasukePov: Be more careful dobe!

NarutoPov: Teme(///)

KakashiPov: Why don't you both just date already? //Kakashi chuckles//

SasukePov: W-We could ask you and Obito the same thing!(////)

ObitoPov: Shut up before I make you!(///)

//Sasuke ran away while Obito was chasing him. Kakashi and Naruto where just laughing and Sakura well...//

SakuraPov: I miss Hinata TwT

//After a while Obito and Kakashi left. Time: 3:56pm.//

ObitoPov: Follow me Bakashi I want to show you something!^^ //Obito grabbed Kakashi by his hand//

//They both were now somewhere you can call it a small mountain I guess but the view was beautiful the grass they were on was full of flowers and there was a big Sakura tree//

KakashiPov: Wow Obito it's beautiful here how did you find this place?

ObitoPov: Well when I still was in Akatsuki I happened to walk by here^^

KakashiPov: Is this a Picknick? When did you had the time to place this there?

ObitoPov: This morning when you still was asleep!

KakashiPov: I-Is this like a date?(////)

ObitoPov: Well yes!^^

//Obito and Kakashi made there self confy on the blanket and they just ate and talked for hours. Time: 7:32pm. The sun was going down now it was very beautiful Obito thought that this would be the right moment to ask now.//

ObitoPov: Kakashi. You're the most precious, beautiful, sweet, awesome, handsome, hot, sexy, perfekt, lovely... person I ever met do you know that when not than you know it now. Well I fell in love with you very much in love with you and I think I should ask you now... Will you be my boyfriend Hatake Kakashi?(///////)

KakashiPov: //Kakashi immediately begin to blush hard cause of the words Obito called him. He never felt so happy and in love like right now.// Y-YES I mean yes I will gladly be your boyfriend!(////////)

//Obito kissed Kakashi (his mask is already off because they ate) the kiss was so passionate and full of love it was a very long kiss they both were just so happy right now. After some time they broke the kiss. They both held hands and just talked for another few hours they cuddled kissed another few times everything was beautiful. Time: 10:29pm. They both decided to go home. Both made there self ready to bed. They both got on the bed and cuddled.//

ObitoPov: Good night darling^^ //Obito kissed Kakashi//

KakashiPov: G-Good night(/////)

End of Part 8

I hope you liked this Part guys^^ I even uploaded really fast this time! I was just really motivated to write I guess lol :] I will upload Part 9 this week someday I'm really motivated to write so I guess it will also come fast again!^^ Anygays I hope you guys have a great day! Byeee :>

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