🍋A little surprise~...🍋

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This chapter will continue smutt so if you don't like it than don't read it! For the guys who will read this chapter enjoy this shitty smutt I guess haha.

//The moment Obito came into the bathroom his eyes have been blessed... The bathroom was decorated with candles, flowers and other romantic stuff but the most beautiful thing in this room was Kakashi laying naked in the hot bathtub.//

KakashiPov: I hope you like my little surprise for you~

ObitoPov: Ohh I love it don't worry~ But you know Kakashi after this night you should worry about walking again //Obito said while smirking//

//In that moment Obito began to undress himself. After he was fully undressed he walked to the bathtub and got in. He was now sitting in front of Kakashi.//

ObitoPov: So you don't wanna sit on my lap?~

KakashiPov: Stupid Question don't you think~ //Kakashi slowly moved to Obitos lap and sat on it//

ObitoPov: So for what is this?

KakashiPov: Oh I just wanted to give you a "gift" for your hard work. (Well actually I'm just sexually frustrated but I mean Obito doesn't need to know everything.)

ObitoPov: Well then you know Kakashi you look really delicious right now and I'm kinda hungry~

//Kakashi blushed. Suddenly Obito grabbed Kakashis by his wrist and positioned Kakashi so that Kakashi was now standing like a "dog" and Obito had full vision on his asshole. The next moment Obito pushed 2 fingers in Kakashis asshole.//

KakashiPov: AHHHH~ O-Obito i-it hurts~

ObitoPov: oh really but your body says otherwise~

//Obito moved his fingers so that Kakashis hole would scratch//

ObitoPov: Damn you're real tight today~

KakashiPov: Mmhhh~ S-Stop~

ObitoPov: What?~ You want me to push inother finger in?~ Alright you little slut~

//With that Obito pushed his 3 finger in and Kakashi of course reacted with a loud moan//

KakashiPov: O-Obito I think mhhh it's e-enough I'm r-ready now~

ObitoPov: If you say so~

//Obito pushed his fingers out and positioned himself. And suddenly Obito pushed his dick in Kakashi//

KakashiPov: AHHhh~ Atleast say something when you push it in //Kakashi said a little bit angry//

ObitoPov: Sorry //Obito said while chuckling//

//Obito slowly began to move his dick but in an speed so it wouldn't hurt Kakashi. After a while Obito decided to speed up. Obito was now on an rather fast speed pounding Kakashi and was also touching Kakashis nipples. The moan Kakashi gave of were beautiful music to Obitos ears they just turned him more on.//

ObitoPov: You like that right~ //Obito said while smirking//

KakashiPov: Y-You asshole AHHH FUCK

ObitoPov: What did you say I couldn't hear it~ //He said while pushing his dick really hard in Kakashi//

KakashiPov: I s-said y-you ASSHOLE AHHH mhhh~

ObitoPov: Let's see how long it will take to break that little mouth of yours~

//Obito moved his hands from Kakashis nipples to Kakashis dick and was now pounding it//

KakashiPov: W-Wait!~ MMMHhhh~

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