Chapter 10

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Karthik keeps staring at Aadhira yet she was in her own world diving in her pistachio ice cream. A waiter passes by and sees Karthik "Good evening Sir". Hearing that Karthik comes out of his trance, also Aadhira looks towards the entrance only to see Karthik standing there in his formals, white shirt tucked in his black pants and his black blazer in his hand.

Karthik mutters a "Good evening" and goes inside, while Aadhira keeps shooting glares at him for coming late, I should have brought the potato cake and smashed it on his face right now.. idiot.. he has the audacity to come late and still not give a smile. He takes a seat opposite to her "Sorry got late at the hospital".

She still keeps shooting glares at him eating her ice cream instead of talking, he looks at her when she doesn't answer "I said sorry". She just gives him a sharp look "You could have called.. no how could you.. yet I like a fool was waiting for you.. you think I don't have any work.. even if I'm not a doctor I do have work too at my shop.. I'm leaving.. call me when you can come on time".

Karthik keeps looking at her nose which was covered with ice cream, he knew she was speaking something yet it doesn't enter his brain. She gets up to leave, he stops her blocking her way, not letting her move forward. She looks at him shocked as he leans in closer to her caging her to the table.

Her races in her chest, her eyes widen to the size of tennis balls trying to pop out of the sockets. She tries to bring out her words but they get stuck in her throat as his thick beard brushes against her cheeks as he leans further closer to her neck. Her jasmine fragrance hits his nose as he tries to pick up a tissue from behind her.

He breathes in her fragrance more trying to fill her fragrance completely in his lungs. She shivers at his proximity as his hands go around her waist trying to pick up the tissue unknown to her. Her fragrance makes him want to stay with her like that, he wanted to pull her closer in his embrace and make her stay there with him.

Aadhira's hands which were holding her dupatta bunched up in her hands as he had leaned in closer, now travels over his chest causing his heart to run a mile a minute. Her mere touch had ignited his heart and makes his whole body tingle. Her hand glides over his torso and rests just near his heart, she could feel his heart beating as fast as her.

She wanted to push him away yet something in her kept stopping her from doing so. She didn't know why she wanted to feel him close to her, his breathe kept fanning on her ears causing goosebumps to erupt on her skin. Her long hair kept moving to the gushing winds, he just wanted to run his finger through her soft and silky hair.

She had always wanted have long hair just like Rapunzel from tangled that she used to watch in her childhood. His cheeks turns a little pink as her hand rests over his heart, he keeps looking at her cheeks which keeps turning a deeper shade of pink with each passing second as he continues to stay close to her.

His hand brushes against her earlobe trying to tuck her hair behind her ears. Her ears turn red as his finger brush against them, Gosh!! My little fairy princess so close to me.. her fragrance so fresh.. and intoxicating.. Jasmines had always been her favourite when she was a kid even if she didn't know how to pronounce them.. so she still loves Jasmines.

He backs off a little from her, she keeps looking down blushing, her hand still resting over his chest. He grabs the tissue from behind her and again steps closer to her. Seeing him step closer she again looks at him trying to bring words out of her mouth "Wh.. what aa.. areee.. you.. da.. doingggg".

He just gives her a smile and brings the tissue in front of her face. She looks at him confused, he takes it near her nose and wipes the ice cream off her nose. As soon as she realises that she had smeared ice cream on her nose, she looks down feeling embarassed.

Such an idiot you are Aadhu.. who smears ice cream on their nose.. you are not a kid anymore Aadhu.. Godd imagine what he would think about you.. that you don't even know how to eat an ice cream.. can I go and bang my head against the wall.. or better hide myself somewhere..

After wiping the ice cream from her nose with a tissue, he continues to wipe the ice cream from the corner of her lips. Her heart jumps out of her chest as she feels his finger lightly brush against her lower lip as he wipes the ice cream. Her chest heaves as her breathing goes heavy with his finger brushing against her lips.

She keeps looking at him shocked, he chuckles looking at her eyes popping out. Her hands scrunches up his shirt as he continues to wipe her lips. He keeps looking at her thick plumpy pink lips and her nose which had turned red "You still don't know how to eat ice cream Aadhu.. you eat like a baby even now.. smearing the ice cream all over your face".

His left hand rests on her waist pulling her closer, she keeps blinking her eyes looking at him still in shock. He keeps looking at her, eyeing her nose and lips "You were a baby then Aadhu.. now if anyone sees you like this they will make fun of you.. or..".

She still keeps looking at him blinking her deer like eyes as he pauses the sentence in between "Orrr". He pulls her further closer such that she crashes against his chest "Orrrr people would eye your beautiful pink and plumpy lips which only your husband.. I can.. no one else.. do you understand Aadhu..".

Karthik keeps looking at her smiling as she nods, a naughty strand of her hair sticks to her cheeks and a few strands to her lips. He brushes his fingers against her cheeks and tucks the strands of hair behind her ears, she again turns crimson. He smiles looking at her, so soft.. as soft as cotton balls.. just like a baby..

They both were lost in each other, she keeps scrunching his shirt in her hands. Her eyes close tightly as his fingers brush against her cheeks "Ka.. Ka.. Kar.. Karthik.. I.. I..". He looks at her smiling "Yes Aadhu.. you.. open your eyes fairy princess.. look at me Aadhu".

Just then they hear a knock on the private area's door bringing them both out of their own bubble. Aadhira's eyes dart open hearing the knock while Karthik's eyes widen realising their proximity. They both jump apart from each other, both of them red from embarassment.

They both take their seats opposite to each other still looking elsewhere trying not to face eachother. Karthik keeps looking elsewhere "Umm you want have anything", she quickly mutters a "No". A waiter enters inside, Karthik orders masala dosa, fried idly and sambhar vada.

She looks at him for a second and turns away, Godd even now he wants to eat.. I should just leave.. what were we even doing.. how could I get carried away like that.. what had gotten into him.. and he kept speaking to me like he knows me so well.. but he said he doesn't remember anything from our childhood days.. was he lying.. no why would he..

I'm thinking too much.. I should just leave.. I cannot look him in the eyes after this.. see Aadhu there is a shovel.. would you like to dig a grave for yourself.. yes I would love to.. it's just too much to face him now.. whatever happened was.. was too intense.. not something I have felt ever before..

I didn't know my heart could beat so fast.. even when I ran a marathon it wasn't beating this fast.. but today.. with him.. I felt like it might pop out and fall off from my mouth.. Goshh Krishna ji what is this feeling.. and the way he spoke to me.. so much possessiveness in his voice and eyes.. but why..

Why would he be possessive about me.. I.. I'm just a consolation prize to him.. there is no relationship between us.. even in the future it's going to be a marriage of convenience.. then why these feelings and emotions arising between us..

Aadhira was lost in her thoughts when Karthik calls her "Aadhira". She comes out of her thoughts and looks at him "Ha.. haan..", he looks elsewhere "Umm can we forget what happened sometime before and talk about what we came here for..". She nods looking at him, Ohh shit!! I completely forgot.. his conditions..

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