Chapter 54

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The next morning, Karthik comes back home from his medical camp. Navya leaves from there after breakfast, leaving Aadhira and Karthik alone. Aadhira turns towards him "Karthik.. let's talk.. today you have to tell me everything..". Karthik smiles and looks at her "Okay.. but promise me.. you will listen to me completely.. You will not make any hasty decisions.. and you will trust me".

She nods looking at him, Karthik switches off the TV and turns towards Aadhira "Let's start from the very beginning.. the beginning when you were born.. my little princess was born.. I was so happy.. I was so excited to see you that I kept troubling Maa and dad.. after bearing all my excitement they took me to see you at the hospital..

You were so small you know.. only this much..", he shows how small she was with his hands, she chuckles "All babies are that small only Karthik". He smiles "I didn't know that na back then.. I was just 4.. you were so pink.. and you kept crying because you couldn't get hold of Pingu.. which I got for you.. which you still have and cuddle with it to sleep.. you didn't know that I got it for you right.."

She smiles "I know.. Maa told me.. Pingu has always been special.. I don't like to leave him alone.. I take him with me anywhere I go.. when Maa told me about this I understood why Pingu is so special to me".  He smiles blushing a little "Anyway.. You kept crying throwing your legs and arms but the minute you held my finger you stopped crying.. that moment onwards I'm yours Aadhu..

You became my whole world in just a matter of few minutes.. my whole world started revolving around you.. I would find reasons to be around you.. whenever I would get a holiday I would run to you.. Mumma used to make fun of me asking me if I will ever be at home.. I would reply saying she is always with dad then I can be with you.. when our grandparents would visit they will tell our parents to get us married in future..

I was very happy.. because Mumma and dad were married so they stayed together.. so I thought if we get married we will stay together always.. imagine Aadhu a 6 year old thinking of getting married.. that's how much I loved you.. at that time obviously it was not love.. you were my best friend.. I would not like seeing you playing with others.. I would get jealous.. I would move away.. but you know what you would do.."

She shakes her head, he smiles looking at her and holds her hand "You would hold my hand and take me along with you to play.. I could never say No to you.. you were my princess.. my little fairy princess.. you would always cheat and win over me me.. because you know one time I see tears in your eyes I would give up everything.. so much cheating you have done you know.."

She chuckles looking at him "Who told you to have soft corner for me", he smiles looking down "Not just a corner Aadhu.. my whole heart goes soft for you.. and you took very good advantage of that at all times my little princess". He pulls her nose, she swats his hand scrunching her nose away while he chuckles "You still don't like it haan".

She glares at him "No", he keeps laughing looking at her. She smiles looking at him "You know you actually look good when you smile.. you give tough competition to my hero Vidyut.. I don't like your serious face.. I hate it even". He looks towards her "You won't leave that actor even now", she shakes her head laughing "Are you jealous of him Karthikkkk.."

He looks at her and moves closer to her "Weren't you jealous of Navya", She moves behind as he holds her hand and pulls her closer "Th.. that was different.. it's not the same..". He smiles looking at her "Oh really Mrs.Karthik.. how is it different", she looks at him and points her finger to him "You are distracting.. diverting.. continue the story.. or I'll not feed you any food.. nor will I let you order".

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