Chapter 17

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Karthik kept looking at her as she kept jumping and twirling around as puddles formed in the sand. Her dress and dupatta were stuck to her like second skin. Droplets of water keep trickling down her neck into her dupatta.

Goshh!! My little fairy princess has turned out be a more of a fire cracker.. I didn't imagine she would turn out to be like this.. Gosh!! Can I just go and hug my Aadhu.. feel her close to me

A little pup comes near her leg, she smiles and picks up the pup in her arms "Aww cutie.. what are you doing out in the rain.. why are you running here and there.. your Mumma would be worried for you puppy.. come let's find your Mumma".

She holds the puppy in her hand caressing the puppy's forehead "You are so cute you know.. I wish I could take you home but you know Amma and Nanna will send me out along with you.. and we both would be roaming around the streets homeless cutie..".

She walks around holding the puppy in her arms trying to find the mommy. Karthik follows her smiling, she is still the same little fairy princess who cares for anything and everything around her.. also talks all the more now that she has grown up.. still a child at times she is.. my little Aadhu.

He keeps following her when a man in his early 50s approaches her. The man was clad completely in a raincoat. Karthik was trying to look at the man's face, he remembered Aadhira's dad, his Gautam uncle so he was trying to find out whether or not it's him.

She bites her tongue looking at her dad "Ohhhooo Nanna.. I was just coming when I.. I saw this puppy and thought to leave him with his mommy.. ummm..". He looks at her "See how you got drenched Aadhu.. now you will fall sick.. you know that.. why do you not listen to your Maa or me"

Karthik gets a look of the man and he realises that it's his Gautam uncle and that this girl is really is his little Aadhu. He was elated and joyous to have found his Aadhu at last. He couldn't stop himself from smiling now that he had found her.

She was holds the puppy with one hand and her ear with the other pouting with her lips. Karthik melts right there at the moment seeing her, Gosh!! She is going to put me on fire and melt me at the same time.. she is definitely going to be the death of me.

Her father looks at her "No.. no.. not that face again.. I'm not going to melt at that face again okay.. so stop showing me that". She pouts more blinking her big dark brown eyes making Karthik melt into a puddle "Nanna.. sorry..", Her dad just shakes his head smiling "You always do this Aadhira".

She chuckles looking at her dad "Now can we find this puppy's mommy", he nods looking at her. They both find the puppy's mom hiding under a merry go round due to the rain. They leave the puppy with his mom and leave from there.

Karthik keeps looking at them till they leave, he spreads his arms and drenches in the rain being happy finding his Aadhira atlast. He wipes water dripping down his face and ruffles his hair smiling. He goes back to the place where he had left Yash and Abhi.

They both were not there, just then he gets a call from Abhi "Karthi yaar where are you.. it's raining cats and dogs and you are nowhere around.. we are near the car.. come fast.. and we need to reach home before the roads get flooded yaar".

Karthik "Yeah Okay I'm coming..". He keeps smiling and walks towards the car, he keeps ruffling his hair and smiling throughout his way. His smile didn't leave his face no matter how much he tried.

He sees Yash's car and climbs into it, he climbs into the backseat. He keeps smiling looking out through the window. Abhi and Yash look at Karthik and then look at eachother giving themselves a confused looks as Karthik keeps grinning.

Abhi again turns to Karthik "Karthi are you fine..". Karthik keeps looking outside the window stretching his hand out feeling the drops of rain, he didn't hear anything that Abhi was talking.

His thoughts kept going back to his Aadhira, her smile kept playing in his mind. Yash and Abhi look at him worried, Abhi turns to Yash "Did someone hit his head or something.. did he go crazy", Yash gives Abhi a look "Seriously Abhi..".

Abhi looks at Yash "Do you have any other explanation.. medically also I don't think there is any other explanation as to why he is continuously smiling.. unless someone induced dopamine in his system".

Yash wanted bang Abhi's head against the car's door for his so called stupid explanations on Karthik's behaviour while Karthik was completely unaffected by their talks completely lost in his own little world filled with his little fairy princess thoughts.

They soon reached Chakravarthy Mansion. Karthik comes out of his thoughts as soon as they reach home. It was almost time for dinner, they sit down to have their dinner. He completes his dinner and goes back to his room.

Abhi and Yash follow him to his room, he looks at both of them "What happened". They both keep looking at him "Are you fine", "Did someone hit you on your head". He looks at both of them confused "I'm fine.. why are both asking these questions". Abhi sits next to him "Because you kept smiling continuously like a psycho.. you were not even hearing anything we were talking while in the car".

Karthik realises that he had been so lost in his thoughts of Aadhira that he wasn't concentrating on anything that his friends were saying. He looks at them rubbing his nape "Sorry I was thinking about something".

Abhi looks at him teasing and winks at him "Something... or more like someone". Karthik turns pink blushing but quickly covers it up "It was nothing Abhi.. don't run your brain too much.. once your train starts it doesn't stop".

Yash looks at him suspiciously "I don't feel like believing you.. it seems more like someone was in your thoughts.. I'm with Abhi for this once..". Karthik tries to put a serious face and look at them "It's nothing and no one Yash.. you both are thinking too much.. that's all I will say".

They both were still suspicious but let him off the hook for now. Karthik changed into his tracks and t-shirt after they both left from his room. He stands in his room's balcony and keeps looking at the moon.

He smiles thinking about Aadhira, I saw my moon today.. she is more beautiful than I imagined her to be.. my little Rapunzel still has her long hair.. her cherry like cheeks.. strawberry coloured lips.. she was looking like the moon in her white salwar.. you have a really tough competition Moon ji..

Her one smile can definitely make flowers bloom.. and cause your whole body to tingle.. right na.. also makes your heart flutter like a butterfly.. right na (his brain interrupts). He blushes at the thought, Gosh!!.. one look at her and you are gone Karthi.. what will you do if you see her again.. (his brain again interrupts him)

He again blushes pink, I will see her again anyway.. I anyway am going to see her for the rest of my life.. my Aadhu she is.. my love.. my life.. I'm anyway going to marry her only.. I'm sure of that.. she is my Aadhu.. my little fairy princess..

He keeps smiling looking their photo, I can't wait for us to meet Aadhu.. what if she has a boyfriend already (his mind again interrupts).. my.. my Aadhu will not.. she.. she cannot have a boyfriend.. right.. bu.. but what will I do.. if.. if she already has a boyfriend..

She.. she would not have forgotten me right.. She.. she remembers her Karthi na.. oh godd she was so small when we left.. may be she.. she doesn't remember me.. but will she have a boyfriend.. I.. I cannot.. stay without my Aadhu for long..

but what if she has a boyfriend and loves him a lot.. if.. if she is happy.. I.. I will not disturb her.. I just want to see my Aadhu happy.. then I.. I.. cannot even call her my Aadhu.. what will I do without you Aadhu.. I want to see you.. know you.. atleast be your friend if I cannot be your partner in the future..


Hope you all enjoyed the double update ❤️

Tied by Destiny (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon