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After waiting for half an hour, the sound of heels clicking against the floor was heard and everyone snapped their heads towards the entrance.

Yoongi, Yugyeom, Jimin and Jungkook smiled widely and waved at the person who came.

His hair were a little messed, probably because he had been still working before Yoongi had called him. He was wearing his usual black suit. Like he usually wears it at most times. The dark circles under his eyes were fading now.

And he had a small smile on his lips. Those eyes were only fixed on Taehyung since he had entered. They were gentle and his face had a serene expression.

It was none other than Jung Hoseok.

Jimin came forward to hug him. They greeted each other and he took Hoseok to Taehyung to introduce them.

Seojoon had taken Minyoung to their room. Aish had gone with them while Hyungsik had to urgently go their company office to handle some matters.

Taehyung was looking at the new person who had came, curiously. He felt a sense of familiarity to him. But he was sure that he had never met this person before. So how?

Jimin introduced him to Hoseok, "Sammy, this is Jung Hoseok. He goes by the name Jhope. He is our gang's hacker. And he is also the top hacker of the whole South Korea."

Taehyung was thrilled to meet the top hacker of the country. He shake Hoseok's hand earnestly, "It's really nice to meet you Mr. Jung.

Hoseok held his hamd warmly and said, "Same here Tae- I mean Sam." He cleared his throat and said, "But please call me hyung instead." Taehyung smiled at him.

Hoseok looked away from Taehyung to hide his watery eyes and turned to Jungkook, "Now, what am I here for?"

Jungkook came forward and explained, "Park Woonin, the son of Park Seojoon is kidnapped. We need you to track his location."

Taehyung also said, "Yes please."

Hoseok wasted no time and pulled out his laptop from his briefcase. He placed it on the table and seated himself on the couch.

His fingers worked at the speed of light, only leaving behind the afterimages. After exact 10 minutes he spoke up, "Location traced."

Taehyung's jaw dropped to the ground, "Wow! So fast! You are amazing hyung." Hoseok smiled warmly at him and patted his hair, an old habit of him. However he quickly retreated his hand and apologized, "I am sorry."

Taehyung only smiled at him, "It's okay hyung, I don't mind." Hoseok brightly smiled back at him.

"It's an abandoned factory, at a distance of 20 kilometres from here."

Taehyung said, "Let's go!"

However he was stopped by Jungkook, "No, you can't come with us. It's dangerous there."

Taehyung tried to argue with him, "But my cupcake-"

Jimin came forward and held Taehyung's hand in his, "I know how important he is to you. Trust me, I will take him back, unscratched."

Taehyung squeezed his hand, "Jimin I trust you. Please bring my cupcake back safe and take care of yourself too." Jimin patted his hand lightly and nodded to others.

Jungkook also came face ro face to Taehyung and smiled, "Don't worry. I promise you, we would bring him back safe."

Taehyung didn't know what came to him but he hugged Jungkook. Jungkook stood there frozen. Taehyung laughed lightly at his frozen state and patted his back, "Take care, handsome."

Jungkook bit his lower lip and hugged him back, closing his eyes.

"Oh believe me, I will."

Taehyung slowly backed away and looked away, his cheeks red.

Yugyeom cane forward and pulled a dazed Jungkook along with him. Jimin and Hoseok followed after them. Yoongi also made a small call and soon followed after them.

Meanwhile, Taehyung held the cross necklace he was wearing in his hand and closed his eyes, praying.


More than an hour had passed when Taehyung heard the sound of screeching tyres outside. He opened his eyes and ran outside.

Outside, Jungkook and others were climbing out of the car. Hoseok looked as fresh as ever while Yoongi and Yugyeom looked like they had a good fight. Their hair were messed and so were their clothes while they still had their guns in hand.

Jimin came out holding Woobin in his arms. Jungkook came after him and he also looked as fresh as Hoseok. Jimin also looked like he had a tough fight.

Taehyung took Woobin from his arms and kissed all over the little baby's face. Woobin didn't make a disgusted face this time, he also giggled and circled his small chubby arms around Taehyung's neck. He brought his lips to Taehyung's cheek and pressed them there.

It was meant to be a kiss. Taehyung's cheek became a little wet but he didn't mind. He laughed and kissed his cupcake again and again.

Taehyung pouted and whined, "Do you even know how worried I was? I was going crazy here!"

Woobin ignored him amd innocently blinked his big doe eyes. Taehyung calmed down and hugged him close.

He walked to Jungkook and thanked him, "Thank you so much. I will never forget your help. Please call me anytime you need my help."

Yugyeom fumed, "He didn't even do anything! He was busy fantasizing over his Taehyung there standing in the corner when that scary man was about to stab me! It was us who fought with those big and bulky guards!"

Jimin agreed to him, "Yeah, I mean that one which was as big as an baby elephant, totally squished me under him." He shuddered, probably remembering the incident.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "What can we do? Just let him enjoy this. He always becomes like this when it comes to Taehyung."

Hoseok looked at his watch and said, "It's time for me to go. I have an important meeting."

Jimin rolled his eyes, "Hyung, you should take a break. You are always working."

Hoseok laughed, "It's because I like my work Jimin. Now bye. I will see you guys tomorrow."

Yugyeom asked, "How tomorrow?"

Hoseok reminded them, "Tomorrow we are holding a banquet. Did you forget?"

Jimim asked, "The Parks are invited too, right?"

Hoseok smiled, "Of course they are. They are the main guests."

Yoongi said, "Jungkook would be really happy to hear that."

They looked over to Jungkook who was playing with Woobin in Taehyung's arms and smiled warmly.

Yoongi mumbled, "I miss the old days."


Thanks for reading!

I hope you liked it and please forgive me for the mistakes.


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