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✧• 25 •✧

Alia's POV:

Shocked would be the understatement of the year or even decade. How on earth did they end up in here? What happened?

Why are they here?

Did they arrive in here, just like we did?


All these questions kept popping in my head as I watched the three faces that I know are from reality.

"Am I hallucinating it? Or are you guys are here, for real??"

"Alia, we are here. Omg, we thought you guys went missing." Zoya cried.

"We still are missing, for your information." Sharuk acted as if her statement offended him.

"You haven't changed." She says as they make weird faces at each other.

"Guys! What happened?" I ask again, wanting to know how they ended up in here.

"Hello, my Queen." Zoya bows, followed by Dashk and Rudra.

"Are you going to tell me soon?"

"Yes, I will. But first- can you guys tell me what happened with you all and how YOU–ended up being the Queen regent?"

The senate members were watching as if we were putting up a play or something. No one dared to speak at their queen like that-with that tone, but Zoya is my best friend and I can't ask her to speak to me with respect.

"First, take a warm bath and freshen up. Then we'll meet in my chambers."

"Wow, you got your own chambers as well?"

"Oh please, this entire castle is 'mine'." I said in a bitchy tone with air quotes.

"Cool. So Shanaya and Sharuk. Why haven't you guys hugged me yet." She gave her best puppy face as they both ran and welcomed them hugging all the three, when Shanaya whispered something to Zoya.

"Welcome to the city of Midea"

"Thank you, your highness."


Sharuk escorted them to the chambers that were meant for guests and then joined the court as it began. I couldn't bring myself to concentrate in the cases. I was physically present by mentally absent-like how we used to be in our language classes at school. Especially with what Anastasia filled us in with.

What is going to happen?

What am I going to do with the other 3 friends who 'joined' us today?

How am I going to say that their friends are going to die?

When will they get back to reality-if there's a possibility?

And most of all, I need to find out where did all this shit begun in the first place.

My head was starting to hurt and so I tried to throw these thoughts out, but they kept running in a loop. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down; I tried to concentrate on my breaths- they weren't working. I tried to remember the fun memories all of us had together as friends. And then my heart started to calm down. Once I was sure I can go out without fainting, I got up and declared,

"The court is done for the day. Everyone may leave."

And then I exited the courtroom to get back to my chambers. I didn't feel good-things were getting overwhelming in here. Maybe I should go back to the present just like Shanaya advised Sharuk. These were the only thoughts that kept playing in my mind for the past 2 days. As I kept thinking about them, there was a knock at my door.

I opened them to see all my friends standing outside, so I moved aside for them to come in.

"WOW, look at the Queen's chamber." Dashk was in Awe.

"Wait Dhask, wait until you see the garden that I've built."


"Yes." I said, giggling.

"So, Zoya, Rudra and Dashk- tell me how you guys ended up in here."

The story that she told me sounded exactly like ours. I couldn't believe my own sense of hearing. What is wrong with the place? But for sure, there is something going on in here. Shanaya, Sharuk and I exchanged looks as she told us about the cubical pit and how they ended up in here.

I asked her for the Pendant that she saw when she was at the cubical. It was magnificent, with a big gem in the middle and small stones like structure around it.

"But Alia?"


"When I got up from the pit, I had the pendant with me. People were forming crowds around us as we got out one by one. But when they saw the pendant in my hand, they backed up. I don't know what's wrong with it."

"Give me the pendant, I'll ask if anyone knows about it."

I took the pendant with me as I left the room to find someone who knew about it. I need someone whom I can trust. And so I called Cletus.


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