Chap 25: Heptagram

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Rimuru Pov

I just say that i didn't want to be a demon lord and Guy looked at me weirdly now.

'Well they don't know me, so it's normal.'

Guy : Mmh, why not ?

Rimuru : And why i would join ? There nothing for me.

He then smashed the table in front of me and all the demon lord tensed up 'It's seem that he still underestimate me.'

He stood up and started walking toward me, I can see from the side of my eyes that Velzard was looking at Guy with a murderous glare 'What is he going to do ?'

Guy: You are the cause of the death of one of us, so you have to take the responsability for it.

He put a hand on my knees and his face come closer to mine 'Wh-what ?' and he started to whisper something in my ears but i didn't listen at all.

I lift my right arm and punch him in the stomach, throwing him at the opposite of the room.

Rimuru : How dare you touch me you demon !

Velzard : Guy, it's too much !

Velzard went to scold him but he is now unconscious 'I hit him really hard but he deserves it.'

I looked at the other with murderous eyes.

Rimuru : You all, this is a warning the next one who mess with me like that will immediatly die !

They didn't speak and just nodded.

Guy then woke up and went to sit down with an puzzled look, the maid recreates the table and we continue this Walpurgis.

They talked about trivial thing like the division of the territory, Carrion and Frey also chose to step down and they suddenly brought up the topic of the name 'Are they bored ? Well i can't comment on that, i was creating some simulation world before to search some fun after all.'

Guy : Oy ! Rimuru you are the one who killed Clayman, so you can atleast give us a new name.

Rimuru : Make sense.

'They are seven so why not the seven great demon lord.' no, this is too basic.

Rimuru : (Ciel, any idea?)

Ciel : (Yes, you can name it Heptagram.)

Rimuru : (Good job Ciel, you're the best)

She blushed and i looked at the demon lord.

Rimuru : How about Heptagram, sound good right.

They all think a moment and agreed, then all went well until they all start to leave.

Rimuru : Leon, i'll take your invitation and come visit your country soon.

Leon : Very well.

He then left but i can see his face turned to an worried one 'I will not destroy his country or kill him but just punch him once.'

They all left one by one and now there is only Ruminas, Milim, Guy and my siblings.

Ramiris went back to Tempest because she wanted to live with us so i let her build her own house and she have a lot of work.

Guy : Well now everyone's gone, mmh, Ruminas why are you still here ?

Ruminas : Ara, am i not welcome here ?

He just stared at her and sighted.

Ruminas : I just have some buisness with Rimuru.

Guy : Well if you say so, now serious matter, what are you Rimuru ?

Rimuru : Eh ? I am just a simple little girl who wants to create a country, you know.

Velzard laughed and Velgrind chuckled 'Now that i think Veldora is very calm.' i looked at him and he looked lifeless 'Oh, i see when i was fighting Clayman, Velgrynd just calm him down with some punch.'

Guy : Cut the crap, you can knock me out with a single punch and know all the true dragons alive.

Rimuru : Well, i don't really mind telling you.

Guy : Hm ?

Rimuru : I am the older sister of Veldanava and therefore i am also a true dragon, nice to meet you again Guy Crismon.

He eyes widens but he calm down quickly, i can also see Ruminas hasn't reacted at all 'I can assume that she already know about me.'

Guy : I see, so that explain a lot.

Rimuru : So Guy if you're done then you can leave, i would like to have a little family reunion here.

Guy : It's not like i have a choice right.

He said then leave but i can see that he was deep in thought 'Yes, not my problem for now.'

Rimuru : So Ruminas, don't tell me that you miss me so much and wanted to stay with me ?

I said and my siblings glared at her 'This is an payback for that night some day ago.'

Ruminas : You can say that but today i just wanted to ask you about Hinata.

Rimuru : Ah yes, i was thinking about inviting her in Tempest later.

Ruminas : That a good idea.

We then chatted a bit before she leave us.

Now everyone left are from the same family 'Oh, i need to take Velkia here.'

I then teleported her here.

Rimuru : Hi, Velkia.

Velkia : Hello, aunt Rimuru.

Velzard : Who is she nee-san

Rimuru : Ah, you haven't meet her yet, she's is Veldora's daughter, her name is Velkia.

Velzard and Velgrynd : What !

After they calmed down, we all sat down and i gave Milim some cookie and Velkia played with her., well Veldora also join them 'This kid !'

Me, Velgrynd and Velzard are now discussing about something very important.

Velzard : So nee-san, you want our help to re-educating Veldora ?

Rimuru : Yes, that's what i want, he is too childish.

Velgrynd : I'm in it too,  but i need to tell Rudra first.

Rimuru : Rudra ? he is the emperor of the Eastern Empire right.

Velgrynd : Yes.

We then continued our talk about all and nothing but.

Rimuru : (Ciel, i have a bad feeling about the Eastern country and this Rudra.)

Ciel : (Yes master, the individual Rudra is an ancient hero but he is not alive anymore.)

Rimuru : (What ? Explain.)

Ciel : (The being known as Rudra is dead and a skill named Justice king Michael has taken over and control of his body.)

Rimuru : (Oh ? What's his purpose ?)

Ciel : (Master, no spoiler please.)

'Ciel really ?' i let it slide for now.

We then talked some hours and we all decided to leave.

But before that.

Rimuru : Velgrynd, make sure to be wary of Rudra.

Velgrynd : Eh ? Why.

Rimuru : Just a woman intuition.

She nodded and we went separate way 'She doesn't seem too shocked, so she already have some doubt.'

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