A fake

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He stood there, wide eyed. I must look similar, only tears started to run their way down my cheeks. His face held new scars and wounds still healing. I ran to him, jumping into his opened arms. He held me close as my emotions went out of control.
"I thought I would never be able to see you again." I sobbed into his chest. He hugged me tighter, before pulling away to hold my hands.
"Neither did I, I thought I would have to die to be able to see you and our girls again." Damon smiled, his eyes glistened with tears.
"But you die, you were shot right in front of me." I shook my head. He looked confused before he realized what I had been talking about.
"That man wasn't me." He said, I titled my head in confusion. "That man was sent by the hunters to take my place. They've been learning new ways to destroy our kind. One of the ways is replacing a mate."
"But thats impossible, you can't replace mates." I exclaim, although if it was true, how long was I with the fake?
"I thought the same thing until it happened. It wasn't long after you had the girls that they came and replaced me." He sighed and looked down at our intertwined hands. "I got sent to a prison thats ain't kind to any supernatural of any kind. They did test, beat us every chance they got. A few days ago it was attacked and we were all set free, I've been trying to get to you as soon as I could." I felt something hit roll down my cheeks. I was relieved that he was still alive.
"Let's go home." I smiled dragging him through the crowds. I hear him chuckle behind me and scoop me up bridal style, going as fart as he could home. I was set down in front of the door, Damon seemed nervous. I tilt my head, putting my hand on his arm. "What's wrong?" I asked.
"Will they like me?" He asked, not meeting my eyes. I let out a small giggle, which in turn earned me a dirty look.
"They'll love you, i told them stories about their father almost every night because they asked." I smiled, putting my hand in his. He squeezed it slightly. "Come on, the longer you wait your going to get even more nervous." I opened the door, the family in the living room.
They all looked over to us, their eyes widened as they saw Damon standing next to me. His parents ran at us, bringing him into a tight hug. They couldn't believe their son was still alive. I stood behind as they greeted and cried. The girls were smiling ear to ear as he babied them. My wolf and I were content, our mate and pups were here and safe, for now at least.
Later in the night Damon and I say on our bed cuddling as everyone one was either sleeping or what ever they like to do. We hadn't talked for a while, both happy about how things were. His touch still sent sparks through me, a feeling a missed. He rubbed my arm, his head in the crook of my neck.
"Hey Silver." He mumbled before sitting back against the bed rest. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Yes you can." I said, turning to face him.
"Did you ever... You know, do it with the other me?" He had a scowl, definitely not happy.
I shook my head, "not once, there was never a moment where we wanted to." I said, it must sound odd but I can see why now. He smiled before leaning towards my and giving me a kiss. At first soft then things got out of hand. A night of welcome and pleasure was felt that night. A night better then the first.
"Mommy! Daddy!" A little high pit he voice yelled not far from my ear. Waking me up from a wonderful slumber. I hear Damon grumbling at my side, not happy about the wary awakening. My eyes meet the two pair of eyes that belong to my twins.
"You two need to let you parents sleep." I smiled as I messed up their hair.
"But today your making us food right?" Aneko said with a pouty face. I had forgotten. I promised I would make them food every Saturday morning, which happened to be today.
"Oh yeah, I'll get dressed and get cooking."I started tickling them when they didn't move, "you two should go wake up your uncle." They squeal and run out of the room. I smile and poke Damon to get him up.
He doesn't respond so I just begun to get dressed (outfit on side). Just as I'm getting the second shirt on arms circle around my waist.
"Do you have to make them food?" He mumbles in my neck. I giggle and nod.
"I promised them long ago that I will."
He sighs, "break the promise just this once." He begs a little.
I shake my head, "no can do, now go get dressed and I'll meet you down stairs, try some of my cooking." I said before putting the second shirt on and heading down stairs. Content with life, my family was whole again. Only thing that remained was the threat that may never disappear.
Sorry this update toke so long to come, teachers need to lay off on the tests, homework and projects so there's more time to write and think. Thank you so much for app the reads and votes, I never thought this story would do as well as it is. I'll try my best to update as soon as I can but it may still take a while.
Please vote and comment. Thank you!

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