Over come

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The song Is lights, I just love the song I just thought it goes with the chapter a little.

I've gotten used to waking up to morning sickness along with the food cravings, which I really don't mind. Damon gave his parents a call telling about the news along with yelling at then to take Daden back, it was fairly entertaining. Damon is scared that if I do anything I will hurt my self, although what else should I expect. Because I am pregnant with a vampires baby the whole time prevent is sped up, instead of 9 month it's 7 months. It's only a two month difference but it's less time to prepare for the baby.

"Honey are you coming down yet, if we do to leave soon we will be late for the dinner!" Damon yelled from the bitten of the stairs. Today he was invited to a special dinner that only high ranking vampires and the beloved's are aloud to go to. And as the strongest vampires beloved I am forced to go to the event.

I scurried down the stairs in a white silky dress, my hair was was down in waves and I was wearing light blue flats. I ran to stand next to him with a bright smile on my face giving a nod saying I was ready to leave. Damon smiled and chuckled at me, taking my hand he led me to the car, getting me in before I could feel the cold from the evening freezing weather. I can't see who would want to live up here, besides Damon. It only took us an hour to reach the ministers house where the dinner was held.

Two men came and opened mine and Damon's door, "would you like your car to stay closely parked or in the normal parking lot?" One asked Damon was he was given the car keys. Damon mumbled something but I didn't hear it. Next thing I knew Damon was right next to me, his hand with mine and leading my up the steps. The mansion was huge outside and in, it even had a ball room. Many ladies were staring at me and giving my glares, most likely because I was with the most powerful vampire and the weren't. I kept quiet as Damon talked staying at his side until I spotted the food table. I let go of Damon and made my way over to it, taking in all the smells I grabbed a plate and got bite size piece of what ever looked good.

"So the little ugly girl loves food, you do know that is a lot of calories right." A girl next to me said in a bitchy tone, behind her there was a group of other girls much like her. This girl in picticular was wearing a dress that was nearly showing off her butt and made her boobs look bigger then they probably were, it I at leasts hoped. I guess these are the girls that stories call the bully or slut if you really want to go there. "A child are you going to answer!" She raised her voice at me and I flinched.

"Sure" I whispered, finishing my plate and throwing it away before walking away from them probably pissing her off very much.

"Hey you that's no way to treat me, come back here and apologies to me. And what did you say before that I couldn't even hear you." She said tapping her foot as if she knew I was going to go back over and apologies to her. She had another thing coming. Right as see was about to say something I punched her right in the face with all my might. It felt nice but I didn't plan that I would punch her, something just came over me.

"A strong alpha like me would never bow down to scum like you" a deep voice said through my mouth. After that sentance I gained control over my self and looked down at the vampire that lay on the ground shaking with fear. I got scared and started backing away from her and turned around running into a hard chest. I looked up to a man with cold eyes glaring at me.

"You are going to pay for hitting my beloved." he said and raised his hand to hit me. Right as it was about to make contact a hand shot out and grabbed it. I looked behind me to see Damon with a stern look and he pulled me into his chest.

"Don't dare lay a hand on my beloved Jack, she may have punch yours but she was acting like a bitch to Silver here" He said as Jack yanked his hand out of Damons. muttering something under his breath before rushing to his beloveds side. Damon turned me toward him, "What happened Silver, that wasn't like you." I was still in shock my self and shook my head.

"I lost control of my body and a voice that was darker then my own said 'A strong alpha like me would never bow down to scum like you'" I whispered starting to shake, "whats happening to me?" I asked as he pulled me to his cheast and patted my back leading my away from the party and drove me home.

"He will have to visit that old master of yours when you start to feel better." Damon said as he laid me onto our bed and undressed into shorts cuddling my into his chest as I drifted off to sleep.


Chapter end! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. What Is Silver really, Is she really just a human. By the way, Thanks for all the read! I was so happy when I saw how many people have read my story, along with the votes, Thanks guys!

Vote, Read, Share. Please!


A vampire's slaveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora