Celebration at Kiyopon's dorm! / Shutting down Kushida

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Well here it is.

I couldn't help myself from writing this part ( again )

Third Person PoV

1. Celebration at Kiyopon's dorm!

The 3 idiots,Kushida and Horikita were celebrating in Kiyotaka's dorm.

Kiyotaka tried to deny it, but they took his silence as a yes.

But since Kiyotaka would rather not spend his time alone with the 3 idiots and Kushida ( Horikita's advice)  he decided to drag Horikita along, much to her dismay.

Now here they are, eating snacks and drinking softdrinks.

Kiyotaka sighed silently.

Kushida was busy conversing with the 3 idiots. ( Much to her displeasure)

Kushida was invited by Ike and she accepted.

But she only accepted to learn more about Kiyotaka, his secrets would be most preferrable.

Horikita was only reading a book silently.

So our protagonist decided to bother her.

He slipped a note onto the page she was reading.

Horikita was suprised, but she read it.

' Stop reading that book and talk to me. I'm bored. ' it said.

Horikita glances at Kiyotaka, only to see him staring back at her in silence.

She began to write her response on the note and sent it back to him.

' It's your fault for being a lousy host for this party.' It said.


It was a sharp stab to the heart from Horikita to our Kiyopon!

What will be his response?

Kiyotaka quickly responded and passed it back to her.

' Don't blame me, I didn't even want this party!' It said.

A ghost of a smile formed on Horikita's lips as she began to write her next response.

She then passed it back to him.

' Then you shouldn't have submitted so easily. Besides, you ALSO dragged ME into this, when I wanted to just go to my dorm and relax.' It said

Kiyotaka wrote his response and quickly sent it to her.

' I would've had no one to talk to.' It said.

Horikita once again writes down her response and sent it back to him.

' Oh please, you don't even TRY to talk for most of the time. ' it said.

Another critical hit towards our protagonist.

It seems like Horikita was going to win this battle.

Is Kiyopon going to lose this battle?

Kiyotaka wrote down his response and sent it to Horikita.

Once Horikita read it, her face turned slightly red once again.

' Whether or not I use my words or a notebook to conversate with you, my loneliness just dissipates when you're around.' It said.

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