Checking up on Him/ Checking up on Her

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Short chapter this time.....h o p e f u l ly .

Third Person PoV

1. Checking up on Him

"...Itai..." Kiyopon mutters as he lies in the comfort of his bedroom.

It's been a few days since that event on the rooftop. After beating up Ryuen's gang and even Ryuen himself....

His body reached its current limit and thus, he too, was knocked out cold. According to what he'd been told, he was sent to the clinic shortly after his body gave up on him. He stayed there for a day and was then sent back to his room to rest for about 2 weeks for a full recovery ( at least, just enough for him to move without worry. )

Suddenly, the room to his door slowly opens and in came Horikita Suzune with a bag of his prescribed ointment for his wounds and such. Kiyopon glances to her. If he recalls correctly....he hadn't seen Suzune that day after his admission. This was the first time he saw her after the rooftop incident, but it was to be expected since he requested Suzune with a particular task that had to be carried behind the scenes during the event.

But if things went accordingly, then Suzune should've made it to the rooftop, probably by the time Kiyopon passed out. It's likely that she took him to the clinic.

" ..." He didn't speak. His throat was honestly tired of speaking for now, and he can't exactly reach for his notebook either, so the best he could do was to try communicating with eye contact.

" ( ' - ') " He proceeds testing out the waters of their friendship.

" Good afternoon, Kiyotaka-kun." She greets softly before taking a chair and placing it down beside his bed. There, she takes a seat.

" Does it hurt?"

He nods in response.

" Good. I hope it does." She deadpans.

" ( '-') ?! "

Kiyopon was suprised to see Suzune, his best friend, glaring at him with animosity. He's had a fair share of experience when it comes to receiving cold glares from his companion, but this has to be the worst one yet. The girl crosses her arms and heaves a sigh.

" Do you recall the time when you first informed me of your plan on ending Ryuen?" She asks him.

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