The Island Exam begins / Kiyopon scouts the island.

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Time for the  island exam.

Ik ya'll are excited for Kiyopons
" monologue"  I'm not gonna say much about it tho.

Anyways, let's begin!

Third Person PoV

1. The Island Exam Begins

( Class D is now currently brain storming on how to survive the exam. )

Though, in reality, most of the girls were fighting with the boys about buying a toilet....

" You can't expect us to use that ! " Shinohara yelled

" Huh?! If we buy a toilet for you girls, then we'll lose points!" Ike retorted.

" Can't you just suck it up and live with it? It's only for a week!" Sudo backed Ike up.

And then they started bickering.

Kiyopon was watching all of this silently, until Horikita sighed.

" hasn't even been 10 minutes..." she muttered.

Kiyopon glanced at Horikita and nodded in agreement.

Horikita is not sick anymore, which made Kiyopon glad.

If she were sick, he wouldn't have anyone to translate his sign language to the rest of their classmates,  if ever they ask him a question or his thoughts on things.

Of course, he'd miss her too.

' Do you agree with the girls?' Kiyopon signed.

Horikita thought for a bit before answering.

" Personally, im fine without buying one. But you have to take in consideration that some girls just won't agree. " She said.

Kiyopon nodded .

Class D decided to buy a toilet ( Much to the boys dismay because of the points) and now they were currently looking for spots.

" Guys! Over here!" Ike called.

Everyone quickly went to where Ike said to come and immediately their eyes widened.

" We got a river and a spot!" He said before happily dancing in victory.

" Good job, Ike-kun. You really helped us out with your camping background. " Hirata complimented with a smile.

" Haha! Yeah!" Sudo screamed and joined Ike.

" Let me in!" Yamauchi said and also joined Ike.

Of course, everyone cringed but they were too relieved to care.

Kiyopon simply looked at the spot machine.


" What are you doing...?" Horikita asked with confusion, evident on her face.

Kiyopon points at the machine.

Horikita sighs.

" Strange things always seem to have your interest huh...." she muttered

Soon, everyone gathered in a circle.

" Guys, who's going to be our leader?" Hondo asked.

" What about Hirata-kun?" A girl immediately said.

Kiyopon Can't Communicate!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant