Just one person. / A deal with Kamipon himself!

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Third Person PoV

1. Just one person.....

Kiyopon watched as Katsuragi entered the school building.

So that's why he wore a uniform....Kiyopon thought.

Well, that solved one mystery. But Kiyopon noticed he went in with the gift he held in his hand.

Could he be delivering that gift to someone in the school? Kiyopon wondered.

Kiyopon sighed quietly to himself and left his hiding spot to go back to the mall.

This was none of his business, so why bother?

Besides, he still had yet to decide on his present for Inogashira.


Kiyopon stood in front of the shelf with its selection of boxes chocolate. The same shelf where Katsuragi had been agonizing on before settling on his gift.

Kiyopon took a box and examined it.

Would she like chocolate? He wondered.

Would a box of chocolates be okay for her?

Kiyopon inwardly sighed.

This was getting harder and harder....

Maybe he should've just went along with Mori's suggestions, even if he himself didn't feel right about it.

Kiyopon sighed and decided to place the box back on the shelf. There's still time to search for a proper gift.

But when Kiyopon tried to exit the aisle, a loud female voice suddenly yelled.

" W-Watch out!" She warned frantically.

Kiyopon looks towards the voice and his eyes spotted a woman with chestnut brown hair, and some sort of flower hairpin on the right side of her head. She was running at an urgent pace while holding a bunch of bags.

Bam! Her body suddenly collided with Kiyopon's

" Oof!" She lets out a sound as she began stumbling back.

Swip! She suddenly began slipping back due to a wet floor.

" W-Woah!" She said in suprise as she began falling.

But Kiyopon quickly placed an arm behind her and successfully caught her before she could fall on her butt.

" Eep!" She squeaked in suprise as Kiyopon slowly helped her regain her balance.

" Thank you....phew..." she sighed in relief.

Kiyopon silently nods.

Kiyopon observed her appearance a bit further. She is pretty, that's for sure. She wore green off-shoulders with skinny ripped jeans.

The girl looks at Kiyopon and smiles awkwardly, " Thanks for saving me....that would've been an embarassing moment....." she said.

Kiyopon nods.

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