MoriKita / Kiyopon finds a dragon

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The first part will probably either have high Yuri levels or not.

It will depend on how I write it lol.

Also, think about this.

Kiyone Can't Communicate!

Who would be the best boys/girls in her harem? And explain why you think they would be fit for silent Kiyone.

Anyways, moving on.

Enjoy the chappie!

Third Person PoV

1. A suprisingly good duo?!

" They're all gone...." Mori said as she skipped a stone at the ocean.

Horikita sighs.

' Could this have been their plan? Simply spend all their points and leave?' Horikita thought.

" Hey, Horikita-san. What's that Ryuuen guy like?" Mori suddenly asked.

Horikita turned to look at her.

" A tyrant. I'm sure you've heard the rumors that he rules his class with an iron fist." She responded.

" Well, yeah. And it adds even more with how that guy treated Ibuki." Mori said and skipped another stone at the ocean.

It made 8 skips.

' Yes!' Mori thought proudly.

" You're seriously skipping stones at this time?" Horikita asked with a brow raised.

Mori grins and nods.

" Have you done this before?" She said while holding a stone.

" Yes I have." Horikita responded.

" Oh! Then show me how you do!"

" No tha-"

" Come on, Horikita-san! I'm curious to see it !" Mori said while quickly handing it to Horikita's hand.


Horikita looked at the stone and then to the ocean.

' I haven't done this in so long......' Horikita thought to herself as she remembered her first time doing this.


" Nii-san, what are you doing?" A young Suzune asked her older brother.

Manabu smiled and skipped a stone across the ocean.

" It's called stone-skipping. Wanna give it a try?" He asked.

The young Suzune nodded shyly and Manabu handed her the stone.

Suzune quickly tries to copy what her older brother had done but her stone immediately sank to the floor the moment it touched the water.

Suzune pouted and Manabu chuckled.

" Listen up. I'll explain the trick...."


' It's all in the wrist and angle......if you throw it faster, then the reaction force from the water will increase, thereby, bouncing the stone back and so on and so forth, until it loses it's speed....' Horikita remembered Manabu's words.

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