Chapter 1

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POV Adallina

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POV Adallina

My 21st birthday is days away. A big day for anyone. It's like our eighteenth birthday but more... permanent.

When we turn 18 we are first given a choice of what lifestyle we'd like to follow and if you don't have any experience you train in that field till your 21st birthday. The choice you make at your 21st birthday ceremony is final, for life.

I've known since I was 6 years old that the path I wanted was to be a huntress. I've watched the trainees for years and in secret I would practice out deep in the maze gardens pretending to defeat creatures of the night.

Our world, like any world has its good and bad, peace and chaos. Supernatural beings border our lands and it's a constant war keeping them out and away from our kind.

To the west of our kingdom reside the Werewolves. Huge, furry and full of teeth, beasts that shred our soldiers to pieces with no mercy. My Father, this kingdoms King, had a fur coat made from a werewolf before it shifted back to a human. He wears it to this day with pride.

To the east of our kingdom, the Vampires took claim up in the mountains. Our problem with the vampires is that they continue to kidnap our people from their very beds at night. Catching a vampire is near impossible, their speeds are inhuman. However,
We do find ways to kill even vampires but it takes great skill. Only our elite hunters have the skill set to kill a vampire and even then, we unfortunately lose to many hunters to those night creatures. My father had two vampire skulls molded at the front of each armrest of his throne chair. It's very eerie to look at, even the vampire fangs are in pristine condition. But I will give credit where it's due because it certainly gives a statement as king.

To the South is the dark forest which many filthy, deadly creatures linger. Huge spiders, trolls and even goblins have a lair deep within the forest. We often go to war with those foul creatures. So far we've been successful, but they breed like fleas and are so greedy for more power or land. So the wars happen every other decade it seems.

We've been lucky enough not to have a war with the west or east supernatural beings... not in at least 100 years. However, we still kill those who wander near the border or into our lands. We despise every supernatural being, as I'm sure they hate us too.

As I finish lacing up my boots, I stand to look myself over in my golden floor length mirror. Hair braided down the middle so that it's not a bother during training. An ivory elbow length tunic shirt with a brown leather corset training armor. Dark brown pants tucked neatly into my boots. I tighten the brown leather around each wrist that will hold several single blades, my favorite add on I must admit.

A knock upon my bedroom door is my cue to go. Before I reach the door, Lilly my servant and dearest friend opens the door and upon seeing me bow's in greeting. Her smile reaches her warm brown eyes causing me to smile in return. Her mother used to be my nanny, so when I heard her daughter wanted to become a maid for the castle I snatched her up so fast as my own.

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