Chapter 2

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*^The face of our handsome Alpha Arden^*

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*^The face of our handsome Alpha Arden^*

*^The face of our handsome Alpha Arden^*

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POV Arden

I sit behind my black desk, big enough for six people to sit around comfortably. But only I sit here, just as my father once did. Reaching for a pack of cigarettes from inside my worn out jeans, I pull out the last one.
Fuck I will definitely need more.

With a snap of my fingers a small fire appears at the tip of my finger, bringing life to my cigarette. As easy as breathing, I command the fire with my mind to disappear and it does as commanded.

The perks of being a direct descendant of the first Alpha of Crescent Fire pack. Not only is our deep red hair a passed down trait but the power to wield Fire is an Alphas main trait. A gift that was given to the very first Alpha from the Moon Goddess herself and is passed down through the bloodline.

With my feet kicked up on my desk leaning back in my all black chair I contemplate what I should make the new members of the guard do for training later today.

As alpha I'm in charge over seeing their training and I prefer to see for myself who's my strongest and weakest warriors.

A flashback of my father being the one who over saw trainees, that man was a legend. My decent mood is gone, I huff out smoke and clench my fists. I despise the human kingdom that borders our eastern side. They killed him, they skinned him alive in wolf form. And left his body at the border for us to see. That was the worst fucking day of my life. Not only did my powers appear immediately announcing me as new Alpha, but my mother committed suicide not able to bear the loss of my father, her mate. That was 6 years ago, but no amount of time will heal that tragic day.

Rage keeps me company, I show no mercy and teach the same way. My warriors are brutal and cruel to its enemies. That how I want it. My pack respect me as they did my father, however I can smell their fear something due to my constant rage. I show no mercy to those who break the rules and have killed many.

As I dab the last end of my cigarette into the ashtray, I hear feet running down the hall. Well well who might this be.

The door burst open and my rage bubbles up ready to strangle whoever had the audacity to enter in such a way. Until I spot my Beta's pale fear stricken face.

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