Chapter 7

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POV Adallina

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POV Adallina

Nothing in all my training, in all the late night readings about werewolves did it prepare me for this. 

 The sight before me left me speechless, that's for damn sure.

I had never seen so many naked bodies in all my life. I squeezed my eyes shut not wanting to see anymore jiggling butt cheeks, bouncing boobs and swinging... cucumbers. 

Suddenly the wolf carrying me stopped and lowered himself to the ground. The fact i have to get off makes me want to pout but i slide off gracefully. 

Growls and snarls cause me to turn around. Can't say i wasn't expecting it, the hatred in their eyes. 

A strong arm wraps around my lower waist pulling me into a firm body. Immediately and without thinking i attempt to elbow whoever  this is but a hand catches my elbow. 

Then i feel it, sparks. i gasp and peer up to see familiar golden eyes. 

It's him.

I'm stunned frozen... he's gorgeous. Like way too hot for me gorgeous.. and i'm a princess. 

His deep red hair contrasts so well with his ivory skin tone. His jawline is strong and sharp making me wish i could guide my tongue along it. His light stumble is tempting me to reach up and feel it for myself. His fingers caressing softly along the skin between my shirt and pants snaps me out of whatever ogling i was just doing. 

He raises a brow with a smirk that i could drool over if i didn't have pride keeping me from doing so. He turns to his people.. "No one is allowed to touch her" 

Shocked gasps can be heard throughout the naked crowd but no one whines or complains. Instead a unison "Yes Alpha" echos the forest. 

Without another word he pulls me with him towards a set of buildings. I decide to ask anything... "Where are you taking me?"... 

He doesn't even spare me a glance... "Quiet.. Princess"

His tone of voice confuses me, it sounds like a struggle between anger and being playful. Oh great... I roll my eyes and just do as i'm told. I spot a set of buildings made out of stone. 

It surprises me because they all look like mini castles. Such an odd thing to see out in the forest. Looks like home but smaller. Well... i suppose i don't have a home anymore. 

The thought is depressing and scary. I don't have a place where i belong anymore. 

I feel his hot breath near my right temple as we approach a building. 

"I won't kill you"... 

I gasp... so he did hear me earlier. 

"Thank you".. is all i can manage as a reply. 

Men with no shirts on open a set of dark wooden doors with a slight bow as we enter the biggest stone castle. I notice anyone who spots us or... him i mean, bows immediately. 

Wow, Alpha's get the royal treatment huh. 

I find myself feeling comfortable pushed up against his side, i've never been so close to a man unless i had a sword to their throat. But i actually like being close to him. 

I roll my eyes internally... of course i do, i've never been so close to man before and this one's drop dead gorgeous. 

We walk up a few flight of stairs, down a nicely lit hallway and come to a set of white double doors. On either side of the door are beautiful white lilies in pink vases on top of wooden tables. He stops and looks over his shoulder before peering down at me... "This is where you will be staying, don't leave unless told too." 

"What's your name?".. i ask. 

He stares at me as if debating if he wants to tell me or not. 


I nod my head satisfied with that. I won't push my luck and just do as i'm told for now. He did  after all say he won't kill me and i'm choosing to just believe that. 

As i walk through the doors i turn around to close the door but his hand stops it. I look up confused... "What's... your name?"

Oh how rude of me! 

"My name is Adallina."

He nods with a smirk, that makes my insides melt before closing the door for me.

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