Year 3

14 4 0

T/W: Anti-Asian racism

"Guys!" Min-hee walked further into the Hufflepuff common room with a huge frown on his face. His face was faded red and there was practically steam coming out of his ears.

Allen, Camilo, and Emma were sitting in the lounging area; Allen was on the couch while the other two sat in each of their chairs. All of them sat with their Transfiguration books as Emma had been reading aloud their homework. However, they quickly stopped and looked up as the huffing Min-hee waltzed toward them.

"Tell me it isn't wrong to be Korean," Min-hee groaned as he plopped down onto the couch next to Allen, "I can't stand this guy, I swear!"

Allen chuckled slightly, used to Min-hee's complaining. He had a feeling about what this was about. "Is it Jung-mo again?"

You see, despite not being on actual bad terms, Min-hee had started to find most of the things that Jung-mo did to be extremely annoying. At first, it was his stupid haircut. Then it was the stupid fact that he grew much taller over the winter break. Then it was the fact that he was so much better than Min-hee in every subject and was scoring better on their mock O.W.L.s.

Every single one of Min-hee's friends had gotten used to him making random comments about Jung-mo. But this time it seemed like he was angry and not just annoyed.

"I just wish he'd stop being so ashamed of our heritage! You would not believe what he just did at Hogsmeade when I was with Andy and Olivia! He's so— In all the time we've been at Hogwarts, he has refused to speak Korean with me, he refuses to even acknowledge that he's from there— He even called me— ARGH! He's such a bloody git," Min-hee rambled, running out of breath.

"Did you seriously just say bloody?" Emma questioned.

"And git?" Camilo followed.

"We're in Scotland, so... when in Rome," Min-hee sighed as he readjusted himself to lay down on Allen's lap. He blew away a bit of hair that was on his face, which exposed his angry-looking eyebrows.

"So, what did Jung-mo do in Hogsmeade?" Allen smiled patiently, patting Min-hee's forehead.

So Min-hee started telling the story of everything that happened. It was just a completely normal Saturday, so Min-hee decided to go to Hogsmeade with Andy and Olivia.

The trio were especially glad to become third-years because that meant Hogsmeade trips were allowed, and all of them were excited about different things in the town. Olivia was excited to try all the different cafes and restaurants — and of course, the butterbeer. Andy was a generally restless guy, so he just loved going outside to places that weren't Hogwarts. And of course, Min-hee was excited about Harry Potter trivia-related reasons.

This was probably already their 10th trip to Hogsmeade, which put the date well into November. Snow was early this year, so they were able to build a poorly-decorated small snowman just outside of town. The trip had been very pleasant, but then Min-hee crossed paths with a certain Slytherin that he would've prefered to avoid.

"Hey, Min-hee!" Lucas Nelson yelled as Min-hee and his friends walked into town.

Lucas Nelson was a Slytherin 4th-year who was a part of the Quidditch team. You see, the first match of the year was just a week prior — Slytherin vs. Gryffindor — where Min-hee accidentally had a very unfortunate interaction with Lucas. Min-hee was a Chaser, but as he tried to score a goal, the Quaffle accidentally hit Lucas in a... less than pleasant place. To make matters worse, loads of people in the crowd were laughing. Nowhere near everyone, since everybody was focused on different aspects of the game, but there was a good handful of people who did.

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