Year 5

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Min-hee, Andy and Olivia sat together in a train carriage, ready for the departure back to Hogwarts. They were catching up, telling each other stories of what they did over the summer. Andy went to London two weeks before the train ride and spent time in the city with his parents. Olivia went to Paris with her older sister (and currently possessed what Andy liked to call I've-been-to-France-so-now-I-pronounce-croissant-like-a-douche syndrome). Min-hee had stayed at home with his family in Seoul. He was just glad to talk in person, he had plenty of things he wanted to tell them.

They were in the middle of discussing whether or not The Dress was Black & Blue or White & Gold (Andy somehow insisted it was Blue & Gold?) until Min-hee interrupted with a shriek of his whole might.


Andy and Olivia turned their heads to where Min-hee looked.

"How do you recognize him? He just looks like a kid to me," said Olivia cautiously.

"We are in the 21st century, photographs are very much a thing," Min-hee kept staring, "Oh my god, he's coming towards the train!"

"God, quiet down! You'll scare him!" Andy exclaimed.

"Oh my god, did his father drop him off? Did Harry freaking Potter drop him off? Did I miss seeing Harry Potter on the goddamn train platform?" Min-hee looked back panicked at his friends.

Suddenly Olivia's eyes widened, looking at the families standing right by the train door close to their carriage. "Uh, Min-hee, you might wanna—"

Min-hee eagerly turned his head around and saw the very person he had idolized his entire life. His eyes widened and his heart immediately beat faster as he saw Harry Potter. He couldn't believe he was right there in the flesh — the black hair, the green eyes, the scar — the man he had adored for so long. Min-hee inched his face as close to the window as possible, inhaling a lot as if to say something. And then he fainted.


Min-hee woke up in the hospital wing, blinking slowly as he regained consciousness. Andy was by his side, sitting in a hospital chair, looking up from his book when he saw Min-hee moving.

"You're awake!"

"Did I faint?" Min-hee squinted from the light.

"Yeah," said Andy, "After you saw Harry Potter—and his wife, need I remind you—on the platform. James Sirius Potter was sorted into Gryffindor while you were passed out.

Min-hee smirked. "I'm gonna be his stepdad someday."

"Gross!" Andy laughed as he playfully hit Min-hee with the book.


One regular Thursday in early November, Min-hee sat with Andy and Olivia for breakfast. It was almost time for Defence Against The Dark Arts with the Ravenclaws.

"I'm just saying, there are plenty of step-parents that are close in age with their step-kids," Min-hee tried reasoning.

"You're four years older than James," Olivia said, barely keeping the scrambled eggs in her mouth.

"Not to mention that you're fifteen," Andy said dully.

"Well, love works in mysterious ways, so—"

"Oh my god, Min-hee," Olivia interrupted, "Look behind you."

Min-hee instantly turned his head around and noticed something appalling happening at the Ravenclaw table. He repressed an urge to gag after seeing Jung-mo make out with Ellen Sorenson from Defence Class. "Speaking of love working in mysterious ways..."

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