Year 4

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All the international kids were having a little get-together on the lawn. They were just sitting and talking, occasionally eating a snack here and there that Freja and Anne had snuck from the kitchen. It was a Saturday, but they didn't feel like going to Hogsmeade. The weather was amazing anyway, despite it being October, so everyone was wearing a light sweater while sunbathing.

"Yule Ball?" Ali's eyes widened, "They still do that?"

"Well, no, they rebranded it to the Christmas Ball. But yeah, they kept doing the balls every 5 years even after discontinuing the Triwizard Tournament," said Min-hee. He lay on Allen's lap, closing his eyes as he felt the sunshine on his face, taking in as much Vitamin D as he could.

"Imagine if they seriously still did that tournament..." Anne shuddered, "I've read about it in books. How could the adults back then ever trust kids to swim underwater for an hour? Or let them enter a maze designed to make you insane?"

"Mind you, most of the adults back then are still our teachers," Freja nudged Anne's arm with her shoulder, wearing a small smirk.

"Even if they still did the tournament, no one our age would have to worry about it at least," Ali shrugged.

"When Harry Potter was in his 4th year, he won the Tournament," Min-hee said, almost beaming with pride, his eyes still closed. He added, "Granted it required a rather unpleasant meeting with Voldemort."

"Which is the reason it's been discontinued for very valid safety concerns," Allen chuckled, used to Min-hee's rambling about his idol. "Was it really considered winning? With all those horrible things happening?"

"Don't try and educate me on Potter empathy," Min-hee sat up, furrowing his eyebrows as he looked at Allen.

"I'm so glad they're still doing the ball, I've always wanted to try going to one," Mei-li, a newer edition to their international friend group chimed in.

Mei-li only joined this year after her family moved from China to England. Her father was a famous Auror from Beijing! When she started at Hogwarts, it was quite funny to see her as the only 4th-year lined up with all the other 1st-years to get sorted. She technically wasn't an international student but was comforted by the presence of other people who weren't quite used to British culture.

"Me too!" Min-hee smiled, "The outfits, the dancing... what's not to like?"

"Who are you gonna go with?" Anne asked with a smirk.

Min-hee blinked. "Crap, I completely forgot about getting a partner. Who are you guys going with?"

"Justin from Potions just asked me earlier today," replied Anne.

"Mei-li and I are going together," Freja smiled.

"You're both girls, though," said Min-hee.

"So?" Freja chuckled. Mei-li smiled as she looked at her.

"I'm going with Emma," Ali smiled.

"Really?" Allen raised his eyebrows. Min-hee sensed some well-masked envy. Ali just nodded contently.

"Did you know that Yule sounds like Jul, which means Christmas in Swedish?" Freja hummed.

"Wow~" hummed Mei-li, the only one who seemed to find it interesting. She closed her eyes as she continued to absorb the sunlight.


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