Year 7 | Part 2

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C/W: blood (but only a little!)

"Could you just slow down for a moment?" Jung-mo argued breathlessly.

It was now Thursday, and Min-hee was dragging him down the Hogwarts corridors by the wrist, walking at a brisk pace up and down the moving stairs so they could go to the chambers. They were walking faster than needed for two reasons: The first was so Min-hee could show Jung-mo The Source as fast as possible and show him how capable his grandfather was and all those family value-related things. The second was to avoid Mr Filch.

"No slowing down, this is important," said Min-hee, also short of breath.

They kept zigzagging down various hallways on the now familiar (at least to Min-hee) route towards the secret passageway. As they finally arrived, they stopped at a halt, the two of them catching their breaths for the first time in a couple of minutes.

Min-hee hurriedly looked down at his wristwatch.

"The passage is shut," said Jung-mo annoyedly.

"Just wait—" Min-hee said unfocused, eyes glued to his watch. "Three, two, one..."


Exactly as the clock struck 9:30 PM, part of the wall rumbled and moved, once again forming the small passageway. Min-hee looked smugly over at Jung-mo, who in turn playfully rolled his eyes.

Through the passage and down the stairs, Jung-mo instantly noticed something different about the fireplace on the wall furthest away in the chamber. For instance, the fact that it wasn't an actual fireplace, but it now had been rotated to be yet another secret passage.

"Whoa, a secret door—?" Jung-mo said excitedly.

"You haven't even seen half of it yet," interrupted Min-hee, a wide grin on his face.

He once again had a grip around his wrist and pulled him closer to the passage to the larger chamber. They both took a step into the fireplace and —

"Merlin!" shouted Jung-mo, shooting his gaze around the lit-up room. The same colourful lights that first greeted Min-hee were still present, flying around the room and drawing emphasis on the giant ring in the middle of the room.

"Come," Min-hee gestured for Jung-mo to follow him down the stairs.

They both marched down towards the centre of the chamber. Jung-mo had the same expression that Min-hee had when he noticed the size of it. He had also realized that this was no ordinary ring. Min-hee went over to the engraving at the bottom, once again tracing the words. Jung-mo was still excitedly looking and examining the ring, wondering what such a large item could do.

"Jung-mo, there's a reason I brought you here," said Min-hee suddenly.

"Hm?" replied Jung-mo.

"This... this is what your grandfather made all those years ago," Min-hee smiled, "He called it The Source."

"What?" Jung-mo said surprisedly. He instantly took to the engraving that Min-hee was at, and squatted down next to him; it indeed spelt out The Source. He looked at Min-hee, "How are you sure of this?"

"I found it in one of the books upstairs," Min-hee lied with a smile. Hopefully, it wasn't obvious.

Jung-mo got back up on his feet. "Grandfather made this... what does it even do?"

"In the book, it said that it once could teleport wizards to the other side of the world. It would make the entire Floo network look old-fashioned and Portkeys outdated."

"That would've been useful for us, no more sixteen-hour flights," Jung-mo chuckled.

The two of them looked back at the ring.

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