Winter Wedding

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All of Westeros now knew exactly who Jon Snow was. To say he was still getting used to the bows was an understatement. It still surprised him and he still had to fight back the urge of telling people there was no need to bow. Those who knew him treated him just the same.

However the north was in a state of excitement. The king was being crowned and a wedding was going to be taking place soon. People from all over the seven kingdoms were making their way to the North.
She sat calmly at the breakfast table watching as everyone ran around like chickens with their heads cut off.  She wondered if she should do something to calm them down, but shrugged. As long as they didn't bother her.
"My lady! What in the seven kingdoms are you doing still eating, your supposed to be at your dress fitting."
It appears she had thought to soon.
"I already have my dress, and it fits perfectly, I have no need of another." She waved her hand dismissing the maid.
Suddenly Jon came into the hall with a scared expression that immediately left his face once he saw her.
"Please tell them you would prefer me in black." He said pointing to the seamstress that seemed to be following him with a bright red bolt of fabric. She let out a snort then sighed.
"Go have your uncle summon everyone to the hall please. It's time to put an end to this madness." She gave him a reassuring kiss on the cheek.
"As you wish my lady." He ran quickly from the hall.
It took the better part of an hour to get everyone inside.
"Thank you everyone for being here, I want to thank you all for the wonderful help you have given us, for our wedding day. However I do need you all to do something for me I need you to calm down, take a couple of deep breaths and relax. I know this day is important to all of you as it is to us. Let me put it this way, the food is almost finished, my dress is done, our cloaks have been made and are being brought by my father. Jon already has his clothes and he will be wearing black. My maids are decorating the path to the weirwood tree where we will be wed. And the hall will be finished in a matter of hours. Since the preparations are almost done and we still have a good 10 hours until the wedding itself we have time, so please calm down. You all know your tasks and we still have plenty of time to complete the rest. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask Lord or Lady stark. Thank you." She grabbed Jon's hand and sprinted from the hall.
"How about we go for a flight!" She said sending him a wide grin.
He could only laugh as they made their way to their dragons.

They didn't fly for very long, before long they were back on the ground and getting ready for their wedding.
The sun was setting over the godswood as people from every kingdom gathered and walk the snow covered path to the heart of the weirwood forest. Strings of floating lights lit the pathways. Magic kept the snow from turning into a muddy mess as well as prevented people from slipping on ice. White lilies and blue winter roses hung along the icicles in the trees shining and reflecting the light from the setting sun. Benches sat on either side of the aisle for people to sit upon. As the guests were seated soft harp music played as the Stark family entered the youngest going first. Rickon and Bran walked beside their wolves, and smiled and waved as they walked down to their seats. Rob Followed with greywind by his side, closely behind him, Lord and Lady Stark walked in, arm and arm and nodded to to their guests and loyal friends.
The music picked up slightly as Robert walked down the aisle and stood infront of the Weirwood tree. Next came Perseus, a man who Jon had become quite close with as they worked together in Widows watch. Finally Jon walked down the aisle with Ghost by his side, the wolf wore a wreath of winter roses and lilies around his neck. Seeing the white wolf with red eyes sitting next to the white tree with red leaves and red sap coming from the carved eyes felt like A sign to those who followed the old gods a sign of better days to come, led to them by the true king.
Everyone turned to as the music changed once again as Sansa and Lady walked down the aisle. Her red hair was down and slightly curled, her emerald green dress made her hair and blue eyes stand out against her pale skin. A flower crown made of roses around her head she smirked at her brother/cousin, she knew he would be speechless when he saw the bride.
"Please stand." Robert called out as the music changed. Arya and Nymeria walked out first scattering flower petals along the ground as they  walked down the aisle.
Everyone waited with baited breaths as Sirius and Amaryllis began their walk down the aisle.
"They would be so proud of you." He whispered to her as her hand gripped his arms.
Jon stared opened mouth at the woman who walked towards him. Black straight hair fell loosely around her, white roses adorned her head keeping her veil in place on the back of her head.
Her neck was bare, her dress however started at the top of her breasts her shoulda bare. Sleeves went down to her wrist before they flared out . The bodice clung to her frame accenting every curve, turning loser at the waist little diamonds and flowers decorated the fabric. The light of the floating lights reflected off her dress giving her and ethereal glow.
To them both the wedding ceremony itself was a blur, they spoke when needed their eyes never leaving each other's. Finally he covered her in his deep red almost black cloak. The kiss they shared next was met with fireworks, they broke apart as the guests gasped at the light display, she however narrowed her eyes as Sirius gave her an innocent look. She just shook her head and leaned into her husbands embrace. She knew that whatever they went through she would be able to endure as long as they were together.

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