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Jon Snow was baffled at the loyalty of Amaryllis's people. Not one could say a bad word about the young woman, and not because of fear. It had seemed she instilled hope and courage into everyone she came across.
The last few months had been difficult. Robb had become resentful towards him. He figured that he was jealous that Jon for once got the beautiful girl and not him. It was childish but there was nothing he could do. Theon kept trying to get him in a brothal, told him it would be practice for the wedding night. The boy was an idiot. Two ships had made port in Widows Watch, they came with builder and supplies and food. The remaining towns people at first were resentful. They had been cold and hungry for so long it had made them bitter. It took weeks for them to trust Him and not jump away scared at his wolf. The towns people home and the roads were fixed first. Then the tavern and what used to be stores. The old keep had been beyond repair, the only solution was to tear it down and rebuild from the ground up. At first he didn't know what to do. Should he help or just let the others do it? After an hour of watching he couldn't take it anymore. Shedding his heavy winter cloak he picked up a hammer and started to get to work beside the others. He didn't know it but this action had made him a good match in many who had their doubts.
Everything was coming along nicely. It had been five months since they started when another three ships of food had come in this, time these were to be sent to Winterfell and other Holds in the north. The night of the shipment came in Jon held a feast in the newly build Castle dining Hall. The dock workers, the common folk and the guards and builders all were welcome.
The speech he gave reached into the hearts of those that listened.
He stood there on the top dias reserves for the keeps family but for now it only held an empty table.
"I want to thank each and every one of you. The past moons everyone has been working so hard. Most of you don't fully realize why we are doing this now. I will tell you within a years time I shall be Married my future wife to be is Amaryllis Gryffindor. A noble lady from Braavos. Most of the builders have been sent here to help me build our future home. But it's more then just that. This will become the premier point of Trade in the North. Lord Eddard Stark has deemed it so. While I am nothing more then a bastard and my future lady wife deserves the world. I want it known that while this may be our home each and everyone of you are welcome here. To seek refuge, or just for a bit of rest. My home will be your sanctuary whenever it is needed. We still have much more work to do, but we will get it done and make it into a proper home for Lady Amaryllis. So tonight everyone let us feast and enjoy ourselves, and make this a home."
A cheer went around the room.
The following weeks the people worked even harder. They were ahead of schedule.
They were going over building plans for a new armory when a knock was heard on the door. The builder opened to see a messenger.
"Lord Snow.. I mean Jon sir there's a man here named Tyrion Lannister, he asked if you would be willing to host him for the night?" The dwarf was here of all places. It surprised him.
"Bring him here, make sure you also bring some wine. I hear he likes to drink a lot."
The young boy nodded.
"Ed, do you think we can mix these two together?" The older man froze.
"May I ask why?" He started getting a little upset his plans were perfect.
"I like them both but the sword wall here," he said pointing to one, "I think it would look better near there. The the spears need to be across from there and the bows and arrows need to be by the door here so they can get out and to the walls quicker." Jon waited for a response as the experienced builder look thoughtful at his recommendations.
"I will see what I can do to make it work." He gathered up his plans and left, just as the imp came walking through the door.
"Well bastard it seems you've done pretty well for yourself." He said lifting a glass.
Jon looked out the window. "It will be perfect when it's done the jewel of the North. Tell me Lord Tyrion, what brings you to a growing port city.
"Wine, women news from the wall... take your pick." He took another drink.
"You have wine, there isn't a brothal here, I hope there never is. So what news do you bring from the wall." He said as the older man refilled his cup.
"There are monsters, north of the wall. I don't know what they want but the men of the nights watch are afraid they need more men. Wildling attacks are becoming more frequent. Also several rangers have gone missing. Benjen Stark was one of them."
Jon looked out the window facing north. He could feel it in his bones that something was coming. He needed to prepare.
"Did you tell Lord Robb Stark of this." The little man nodded.
"I tried. He wouldn't listen. The only thing he heard was Benjen Stark was gone. He didn't welcome me as you have."
"Since my betrothal to Lady Gryffindor he has been green with envy. He won't even respond to my Ravens."
"Ah yes the lovely Lady Gryffindor, she is quiet the beauty." Jon smiled softly.
"Yes she is. I would advise you Lord Tyrion to avoid Kings Landing. I feel that the tides will change soon if you do not wish to see yourself depending with the others I suggest you stay far from the city."
"What do you know bastard?" The imp was intrigued.
"Nothing, it's just a feeling. I've learned to trust them. They have never led me wrong." He finished the wine. "Apologies Lord Tyrion, it is getting late a maid will show you to a room. We don't have much here yet but you will at least have a warm bed."
Jon Snow left to send a letter to the wall, he couldn't keep the monster creatures off his mind, the deserters whispers of white walkers filled his mind.
Tyrion Lannister followed a maid to his chambers, Jon Snow what an interesting bastard.

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