Winterfell (edited)

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The journey to Winterfell was long and tiring, we stopped in the town near the simple castle to rest and freshen up. The weather here was much closer to the winters back in Scotland then I had first thought. I changed from my riding clothes,into skin tight trousers hidden by a removable skirt. I had daggers hidden on my thighs, made easily accessible by slits in the fabric. My silver whip disguised as a belt around my waist. Father wore the Sword of Gryffindor at his side while he was dressed in blues, I was dressed in a green dress with delicate golden rose detailing, my cloaks hood pulled low over my head hiding my features. It was a heavy dark green winter cloak with silver clasps in the shapes of griffins  head that finished off my traveling outfit. Our men escorted us to the gate where we were stopped by a guard.
"Halt state your name and business." He yelled.
"I am Lord Sirius Gryffindor. My Daughter and I have traveled from Braavos to speak with Lord Eddard Stark about a betrothal between my daughter and one of his sons. I sent a hawk when we made land almost four weeks ago. Was he not expecting us?"
"I'm afraid, My Lord, no message arrived. Lord Stark currently has guests, let me inform him of your arrival." The man disappeared only to return shortly after. "Lord Stark offers an invitation for you to dine with him. Should you accept your men are ordered to stay outside the gates. His majesty King Robert Baratheon is currently in residence. Anymore armed men inside the walls would cause unrest between the people." He sounded annoyed that he was to let us in.
"We humbly accept Lord Starks invitation. Make camp and eat we will return later." He ordered as we dismounted our horses and walked inside. We were escorted to the banquet hall. I lowered my hood before we entered the man leading us looked back to say something but he froze and almost fell as he stumbled forward.
"Are you alright there laddie." Father asked. The young man could only nod. Sirius and I shared an amused look. Back in our old world I would be considered average at least but here I was the diamond amongst the coal. With long curly black hairs, pale skin and glowing green eyes. No no other woman would come close to the almost other worldly beauty I now possessed. doors swung open and we were announced.
"Presenting Lord Sirius Gryffindor and his Daughter the Lady Amaryllis" the man announced.
The hall became silent as we entered everyone stared as we approached the head table. We bowed and curtsied to the King and Queen.
"Your Majesties, Lord and Lady Stark I do hope we are not interrupting. We have traveled very far to negotiate a betrothal between house Gryffindor and House Stark." He said, laying on the curtesies pretty thick. I had to fight a laugh, Sirius was being serious for once.
"Please sit. Yes my bannerman said you have traveled from Braavos. You said you sent a hawk?" Lord Stark was curious. A servant pulled out chairs for us at the end of the table. Soon plates and cups also were sat infront of us.
"Yes, we arrived in the north almost two fortnights ago, We sent a Hawk right before we left Widows Watch." He said politely.
"I'm afraid that's our fault My lord we saw a hawk circling and thought it might be enemy scouts. " a man wearing a white cloak with gold armor replied. I made to stand up, but father put his hand on my shoulder to keep me seated. I glared at the man and he flinched under my gaze.
"Forgive my daughter, she raised and trained that hawk herself. It's death brings great sadness to her." Father spoke trying to appease the situation.
"You let your daughter train Hawks. Isn't that dangerous?" Lady Stark asked.
"For anyone else maybe but she has an gift for working with animals and wielding weapons."
Lady Stark seemed to choke on her drink before she cleared her throat,"Forgive me did you say you let your daughter wield weapons?"
"Oh yes. My daughter is quite skilled in weaponry. She favors her prized Valyrian steel daggers, but she is trained in several other weapons as well." He took a sip of his drink. He was very proud of his goddaughter, everyone could hear it in his voice.
"Forgive me for asking but does your wife not object to her hobbies?" Queen Cersi asked. A frown made its way to both their faces.
"My wife died in long ago. Upon her death I swore to take care and protect our daughter. When we first started looking for suitors one decided he would try to bed my daughter by force." The women listening gasped. "Luckily I arrived in time to stop him, she was only fourteen name days when that happened. She decided and I agreed that it would be best to take up a weapon. She took to it like a fish to water. She excelled with every weapon she wielded." He boasted. I noticed a figure approaching behind the king. Listening to my father tell the story in one ear, as I searched discreetly for more threats. There was another servant hidden a little further away then the other I noticed.
"A few more suitors tried the same tactic. My daughter slit their throats before they could touch her." Father said it with pride as the king laughed drawing everyone's attention. When I saw it the flash of metal. Time froze as my dagger buried itself in the would be assassins head. I looked for the other. He tried to discreetly run away when my dagger pinned him to the wall. The shock wore off as I made my way to the second. Freeing my blade from his shoulder he tried to bolt. I drew my whip from my waist and wrapped it around his neck. Pulling him back, he landed hard on the floor knocking the air from his lungs, where he was apprehended by two guards. I went to the first assassin and freed my dagger from his skull.
I cleaned my daggers with the bottom of my dress. Sirius' hand hit his face.
"How many times have I told you not to clean your daggers on your clothes. You've just ruined another dress." He scolded.
"Sorry father." My voice echoed off the walls. "I beg your pardon your grace it seems I have ruined the festivities. I feel my presence will put everyone on edge so I shall retire for the night. My Queen, Lord, Lady Stark, I shall find my own way to the gate." I bowed then left the hall all eyes trained on me.
"Your daughter just saved my life. Ned you will give that girl anything she wishes. The realm owes her a great thanks on top of a new Hawk." Robert slurred. Ned Stark could only nod in acceptance at his king and longtime friend, still in awe at the quickness the woman moved.
Tables away the young men in the care of house Stark conversed about the vision of beauty they saw.
"She's beautiful and scary." Theon Greyjoy spoke. The others agreed with his statement.
"I want to be just like her!" Arya said excitedly, she already looked up to the beautiful weapon wielding woman. Jon just shook his head at his little sisters antics. There was something about her he liked, other then the way she looked and her knowledge of weapons. He just couldn't put his finger on it. It was something that made his chest hurt as she got further away.
Eventually the feast was over and everyone headed to bed.

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